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Meredith Turney

“This is why the people have thrown you out of office!”

If anyone has any remaining questions as to why Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives earlier this month, take a look at this video.

The video shows Indiana Republican Congressman Steve Buyer trying to be recognized by California’s Democrat Congresswoman Laura Richardson, who was running the floor at the time. She repeatedly tries to use parliamentary chicanery to deter him from expressing outrage that a bill bypassed the committee process.

Republicans are particularly sensitive to this kind of trickery, considering Democrats are trying to pass their remaining agenda items during the lame duck session. Trying to further shove their agenda on the American people after such a sharp repudiation shows just how arrogant and unheeding Democrats have become in their fundamental transformation of our government and society.

Frustrated at Richardson’s robotic, vapid unwillingness… Read More

Congressman Buck McKeon

A New Direction for Congress

The American people have chosen new leaders for the House of Representatives. After listening to millions of Americans over the last two years, it became clear that a majority wanted Congress to focus on creating jobs, cutting spending and reforming Congress. With a change in leadership for the 112th Congress which convenes in January, we will renew our focus on those three vital areas.

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Mike Spence

Help Me Pick A Punishment For The TSA

Tomorrow I fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco and a few days later get to do the return flight. Those two airports have body scanners. Usually, I fly from Ontario and Sacramento, which must be the choice of terrorists due to the lack of body scanners.

To be honest, I don’t like a lot of the screenings. I view a lot of the security as show and would prefer that the resources are put into tracking down terrorists rather than individually searching little kids, grandma’s and National Guardsmen. I have seen all three.

I have been inspired by Steven Greenhut’s article to show my official California State Assembly ID card. This card deems me as someone that can enter the State Capitol at 3 a.m. with as many boxes of stuff without anyone saying a thing. I must be very trustworthy, like everyone else in the Capitol. I will see if it will let me sit between two poor passengers on my flight because I didn’t allow enough time for screening.

But for the next part I need your help. Some guy took the idea of wearing a speedo. That was my plan, but… Read More

James V. Lacy

Report on 11/17 FPPC Task Force meeting

Attached are the raw notes of my law clerk, who attended the 11/17/10 Fair Political Practices Commission Task Force meeting on the 12 areas of proposed reforms and changes to election regulation in California. Please understand these are raw notes, not legal advice, and I am offering them simply to be sure the information is circulated to any readers who are interested.… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles County Election Results Part II: GOP May Gain Assembly Seats?

I know many FR readers must think that I am a big Prop. 19 backer or will email asking for my Medical Marijuana Card by suggesting that the GOP may gain seats in Los Angeles County.

This election cycle I wanted people to look at the 53rd Assembly District and the campaign Nathan Mintz was running. Well he lost. He was underfunded and the GOP wave never hit California. The election returns were interesting and means that the GOP needs to look at this area in 2012.

Nathan Mintz lost the election.

In this four person race,he got 43% of the vote. His Democratic opponent got 50.3% with the two minor party candidates getting the rest. When you look at race like Assembly District 10 where the caucus and many others put plenty of resources in and in an four person Field GOP nominee Jack Sieglock got 42.7% and the Democrat got 52%, Mintz did pretty good and his district had less GOP registration. (Another neglected race was AD 35 where Mike Stoker got just over 45% of the vote.)

The real story is Mintz won very city. Redondo Beach,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Toxic Truth About The Los Angeles County Supervisors’ Ban On Plastic Bags

Earlier this year Californians were saved from huge increases in their grocery bills when the state legislature failed to approve AB 1998, legislation that would have banned plastic bags and charged a fee for paper bags. AB 1998 was ill-conceived legislation about which I wrote when it was before the legislature. Residents of unincorporated areas of Los Angeles weren’t so lucky. Just two weeks ago the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved a ban on plastic bags.

Banning plastic bags is the latest crusade for environmentalists hell-bent on saving the planet—even if the science behind their cause is questionable and the consequences are far worse than the minimal plastic bag waste they think is destroying the environment.

In fact, the day before the Board of Supervisors passed their ban, New York U.S. Senator Chuck… Read More

James V. Lacy

There are no “silver linings” for CA GOP. What we need in future is a Marco Rubio

With appropriate deference and thanks to those candidates and volunteers who worked hard in the last election, there are really no “silver linings” for the California Republican Party in the aftermath of the recent blowout, resulting in a loss of all statewide offices and even a seat in the state assembly, just as a GOP sweep (except in New York) ran across the nation. Our “rainbow coalition” of statewide candidates made one of the collectively poorest showings in the history of California politics, probably the worst for the statewide GOP ever. The fact is California Republicans have now embarked on an era which I have dubbed “permanent super minority status,” statewide, where relevance of the GOP in Sacramento will rest only with the tenious possibility of holding the line on future tax and fee increases, that require a 2/3rds vote of the Legislature and just a couple of Republican votes. Our ability to do that will be complicated by the advent of the open primary system in 2012, which will allow Democrats to vote in Republican primaries, and the added unpredictable result of the coming reapportionment of districts. None of this bodes… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Plan for Saving California

Here it is, in under 500 words:

1. Have every Republican voter reregister as "decline to state"; 2. Run "independent candidates" for every State level office; 3. Change the name of the California Republican Party to the Fiscally Conservative Party;

If we don’t fix our finances, we’re Greece on steroids.… Read More

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