It’s a New Day-Advice to My Republican Friends in the Legislature (for what it’s worth)
California is about to embark on an interesting adventure. It is an adventure of the voters’ own choosing. They went retro with Jerry Brown. They decided to put an entire state government in the hands of the most leftist leadership, if not in the country, certainly in the history of this state. The voters, while handing the day to day operations of the executive branch into the hands of these collectivist comrades, also enacted a majority vote requirement for the budget. Since that majority is also mainly leftist Democrats, it appears that the state and its operations are in the control of those who believe that there is no limit to the good government can do, if it is just in the right hands. Since they think they are the ones with the right hands, be careful, we are in for a wild ride.
The voters, however, didn’t fall completely off the turnip truck. While handing over responsibility for day to day operations, and well as the policy functions, to a bunch of utopia-crats, they left some adult supervision of that effort, by putting a veto over the "tax-raising" function in the hands of the Republicans.… Read More