Meet the New Budget Boss…Same as the Old Budget Boss
This just in from Mark Standriff, Communications Director over at the California Republican Party…
(Alternative working title: There’s nothing very funny about THIS Leno) During last summer’s budget debate on the state Senate floor, it was particularly disturbing to hear Senate Budget Chairwoman Denise Ducheny (D-San Diego) attempt to equate tax cuts with spending increases. I suppose from a balancing-the-books-on-a-squeaky-unicycle point of view, it makes some sense to look at tax cuts and government spending increases in the same light. Setting aside the fact that tax cuts actually spur economic growth while spending increases only increase spending, each makes it difficult to immediately balance a complex budget. That’s the problem with confusing the never was with the already has. But our lawmakers are supposed to be fiscally savvy. They are our public servants. When… Read More