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Jon Fleischman

State Legislators: Watch To See HOW John Boehner is elected Speaker (with NO Democrat votes)…

Tomorrow Republican John Boehner will be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. I commend all Sacramento legislators to watch the ceremony. No, not because I want you all to see the fruits of a big GOP victory nationally last November. I want you all to watch it because of the process. I want you all to note that while the Republicans will put forward their candidate for Speaker, John Boehner (whose election is a formality as Republicans have a healthy majority in the new Congress), Democrats will put forward Nancy Pelosi as their candidate for Speaker, and cast their votes for her.

Note that Boehner will not be "upset" that Democrats voted for their candidate for the top spot, and Pelosi will be gracious in the process. But pride is maintained. Democrats shouldn’t vote for a Speaker who doesn’t share their priorities, nor should Republicans.

This process should serve as an example of how the election of the Senate President in the State Senate, and a Speaker in the Assembly should take place. Each party’s caucus puts forward their candidate with the outcome of that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Brown, You Want To Put Taxes Before The Voters? Start Circulating Petitions…

Sometimes when you read about the discussions taking place within Sacramento’s political class, you just have to shake your head. It has been widely reported that Governor Brown is planning on asking the legislature, in some bipartisan fashion, to place on a special election ballot an extension of the largest tax increase in the history of California (or any state, for that matter). If there is a little deja vu factor here, that’s because this has happened before in the not-so-distant past…

In 2009, in what has been characterized as the worst political move in state history, the Governor and the legislature first enacted what was called a "temporary" increase in income, sales and car taxes (yes, Virginia, right in the midst of a recession when families are trying to make ends meet on tight budgets). These taxes, it is estimated, sucked about $1,500 annually for two years from every family in the state, to provide about $15 billion in additional tax revenues to state government. In addition, in this same terrible "deal" for taxpayers, the legislature also placed on a special election ballot a two year… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Matt David and Aaron McLear – They’ve Served Arnold Well

As the administration of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger comes to a close, this a is a great opportunity for me to express my appreciation and admiration for two hard working Republicans in his administration with whom I have worked fairly closely the last few years — Deputy Chief of Staff and Communications Director Matt David and Press Secretary Aaron McClear.

I first met Matt when he was working on Governor Schwarzenegger’s re-election campaign in 2006. Brought in as a part of then campaign manager Steve Schmidt’s team, working as Deputy Communications Director, Matt really drove a lot of the messaging on Democrat Phil Angelides. In that capacity, he and I worked together a lot. Matt did some time on the McCain for President campaign and for Freedom’s Watch, before returning to take his current position as Communications Director.

Personally I can’t imagine anything more challenging than trying to coordinate messaging for a Governor who is a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Beth Gaines Will Run In 4th A.D. Special Election

Earlier tonight I had a lengthy conversation with Beth Gaines. Beth’s husband Ted is currently a member of the California State Assembly and is the Republican nominee for State Senate in a special election to take place next Tuesday. The Senate District, formerly held by Senator Dave Cox who unfortunately passed away after a long bout with cancer, is considered a "safe" GOP seat.

Beth and I talked about Ted’s campaign — she and Ted feel very good about the election, on which they are both working hard, taking nothing for granted. (Ted and Beth are pictured to the right.) Then our conversation turned to the pending vacancy in the 4th district where it was rumored that Beth has been contemplating a run (h/t to Linda Hunter at… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Notorious GOP Taxer Roy Ashburn Rewarded With Lucrative Commission Spot

Last week I blogged about the Governor’s ability to fill a lucrative vacancy on the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB). Actually, I spoke too quickly. Apparently there are several vacancies on this commission that is made up in its entirety by former, now termed-out legislators. The position pays a cool $130,000 or so a year and comes with Cadillac benefits. You can read more about the CUIAB and who is currently on it by checking out my previous post.

The FlashReport has learned that Ex-State Senator Roy Ashburn ("R" – Bakersfield), who notoriously disregarded the no-new-taxes pledge he signed when running for office, and who was the deciding vote last year for massive increases in the income, sales and car tax — has been secretly appointed to fill a vacancy on the CUAIB (secret in that he was appointed but there has been no public release of that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tuesday Links & Reading


BONUS OPINION COLUMN Some Advice For New Legislators — OCRegister (Jon Coupal, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association & Jon Fleischman, FlashReport)

SOME LINKS: Arnold’s Budget Legacy: The Problem Persists – Read More

Jon Fleischman

Links and Reading From Saturday & Sunday

Here are some news links from yesterday and today. Preceded, of course, by a Golden Pen selection (and in this case, a bonus column as well)… THE GOLDEN PEN: PROFESSOR STEVEN HORWITZ CONSUMERISM IS KEYNESIANISM – Foundation for Economic Education This relatively short, thoughtful column from Steven Horwitz is an excellent reminder that those who support free market solutions should be focused on getting government out of the way the private sector creating an environment for production. It has been an egregious and fallacious focus by those in government on spurring consumption that is making our situation worse. A brief excerpt:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Saturday, Christmas Day – A Few Links

A few links from stories that ran today, Christmas Day…

THE GOLDEN PEN: PAUL JACOBS Productive Politicians Ignore Voters… Townhall

More links…

California Republicans In Congress come to the fore… San Jose Merc Redistricting is upon us… Contra Costa Times What budget cuts, taxes and gimmicks might we see from Jerry Brown? SacBee Another billionaire seeks to "fix" California by ballot measure… … Read More

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