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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

“Experts” Still Get It Wrong About California

The San Francisco Chronicle did us all a great service with their story over the weekend "GOP brand pronounced dead in deep blue California".

The problem is, several of their analysts for the GOP provided zero in the way of fresh thinking about the issue, and in fact, if their opinions are actually implemented, it will make the problem worse.

"Republicans need to learn how to talk to non-traditional Republican voters," said Bettina Inclan, who worked on the communications team for losing California GOP gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner. Not just Latinos, she said, but African Americans and young people, too.

What? What exactlydoes that mean? We’ve "talked" to voters until we’re blue in the face. We’ve been moderate, we’ve been conservative, sent mail in multiple languages, even pandered. Nothing is working. Why? Because 2nd and 3rd generation Latinos in this State are liberals, and our ideas for how government should work are not… Read More

Matt Rexroad

“Redistricting” and “Reapportionment” are not the same thing

Many of my good friends use the terms “redistricting” and “reapportionment” interchangeably. This is not correct.

Reapportionment is over.

It happened on December 21st when the population of each state was announced. In a matter of minutes a computer at the Census Bureau cranks out how the 435 seats in Congress are APPORTIONED among the states. This is reapportionment.

We do not have reapportionment in the State Assembly, State Senate, or Board of Equalization because we are not changing the number of seats allocated to California. The US Senate does not have reapportionment because each state gets two Senators and that is the whole equation.

So unless you hear someone talking about apportioning Congressional seats among the states on December 2010 they must be talking about a process that will happen again after the 2020 census. Redistricting is drawing the district lines for Congress, Assembly, State Senate and Board of Equalization. This discussion goes on for the entire decade.

When I recently looked back at my study guides for law school I notice that they use the words… Read More

Mike Spence

Former Lawmaker Wayne Grisham Passes: What I learned at First Paid Political Job

This past weekend it was reported that former Congressman, Ambassador and Assemblyman Wayne Grisham passed away at age 88. Grisham represent various southeast cities in his elected capacities over his long career. My first paid political job was for Wayne Grisham. Back in ancient history as a soon to be graduating UCLA student, I went to the schools job bank and saw a list for “community representative’ at Grisham’s Assembly Office. This was after towards the end of his career. He had been defeated for Congress in a primary with David Dreier and return from Kenya to win to a place in the assembly. I put together a resume an applied. I spent hours on the resume and turns out I had the perfect qualifications for the job. I had legs. The job entailed going door to door onRead More

Jon Fleischman

State Senate Candidate Credentials to Perform Same-Sex Marriages in Question

Today’s Antelope Valley Press has a story that is sure to further undermine Darren Parker’s longshot challenge to Sharon Runner.

(You can visit the AV Press here.)

Runner questions Parker’s officiating By: Craig Currier For the second time this week, candidates in the 17th District State Senate seat race are squaring off electronically, though they still haven’t agreed on a time and place for a public debate before the Feb. 15 special election. In a press release sent via e-mail Friday, Republican candidate Sharon Runner questioned same-sex marriages performed by Democratic candidate Darren Parker in 2008, claiming her opponent did not have the authorityRead More

Jon Fleischman

Public Employee Unions Have Created The Tsunami – But They Won’t Fix It

Today on the front page of the Drudge Report, the banner headline is a link a New York Times story talking about "quiet conversations" taking place about seeing how to possible change federal law to allow state governments to utilize some sort of bankruptcy-type approach to reorganizing debt. The Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert blog has a story on that here.

From where I sit, this is really all about a massive problem (that is not exclusive to California and local governments within the Golden State) — where politicians, largely those elected BY the political donations of public employee unions, have committed governments to long term employment contracts that are simply not affordable, or realistic. Of course I am referring to all of these overly generous defined benefit programs (I should note that not every government employee has a gold-plated plan, but a whole lot do).

Efforts to… Read More

Mike Spence

Arcadia: When the “Tolerant” Become Intolerant

Yesterday the Pasadena Star-News ran article about the City of Arcadia and the planned speaker for the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast. I served as a consultant on Mayor Peter Amundson’s campaign the two times he ran, so I know a little more about this than some. The “controversial” speaker is the Rev. H.B. London. The Rev. London is a Vice-President of Ministry Outreach/Pastoral Ministries for Focus on the Family and worked in the Arcadia area. Tradition has let the Mayor invite whomever he/she wanted to speak at this event or the variations that have taken place. Someone from Focus on the Family is a good fit, because Focus was founded in Arcadia by Dr. James Dobson before growing into the amazing international ministry that it is. But you see the problem isFocus on the Family, the Read More

Mike Spence

Acting Worthy Ronald Reagan: Thirty Years Ago

Thirty years ago today, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President of the United States of America. Take twenty minutes to hear or read the speech.

When you read the warnings on debt, freedom and of course Reagan’s declaration that,” government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Can you not think of our situation today?

And for those pundits that talk about the new normal of unemployment and economic decline should take note of Reagan’s insight.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Calbuzz Becomes A Caricature Of Itself

I confess, I don’t read Calbuzz too often, unless I am mentioned in it. Their latestattack on Flashreport and its publisher is intellectually dishonest, and typical of what leftists do. Let’s just take the begining of the post, where our friend, and Flashreport publisher Jon Fleischman, is referred to as a "knuckle dragging blogger".

Now, we’re not surprised by this. Leftists cannot comment, or argue any political point, without insult. Arrogance and condescencion are key elements of their communication style. They believe they are educated, moral, and singularly authorized to have an opinion based on their self appointed standing in the world. Me, I just laugh at them.

Their heroes are people like Pelosi, Obama, Reid, Brown, etc. Need we say more? They personalize disagreements on policy, engage in psychotic projection on motive, and are hostile to facts, history and evidence.

Here is a catalogue of the other insults in the post: "tinhorn barons and viscounts…yeoman,… Read More

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