California Republican Assembly Releases 2010 Legislative Scorecard
Recently the California Republican Assembly (of which I served as State President from 1995-1997) released its latest comprehensive scorecard of the California State Legislature, for last year. Below is the both the release from the CRA, as well as link to review the entire Scorecard and see how your elected legislators fared. I want to express a hearty congratulations to the five GOPers who got a perfect score from the CRA — former Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Senator Mimi Walters, and former Senators Sam Aanestad, Dave Cogdill and now-Congressman Jeff Denham. It is worthy of note that you could not get a perfect score if you voted to confirm scoundrel Abel Maldonado as Lt. Governor. I guess I also need to throw the "raspberry award" to our friend Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, who managed to wrack up, from CRA’s perspective, the lowest score of any legislative Republican.
You can see the entire scorecard here… Read More