What is a “Caucus Position” In Prop. 14 Fallout Bylaw Proposal?
As the California Republican Party engages in a healthy debate over how to best protect itself and its nominees from the impacts of Proposition 14, which is intended to weaken the role of political parties in California, there will be a lot of explanations and clarifications that will need to take place.
Yesterday on the FlashReport, CRP Chairman Ron Nehring walked readers through why the change in the election process necessitates changes by our party. Up until 2010 we all enjoyed a system with a June primary followed by a November general election. Now, with Prop. 14, we have a general election in June, and a run-off election in November. No longer does the party have a mechanism ask all Republican voters to weigh in on their pick as to who our standard bearer should be — which is why Nehring has proposed an alternative method. It’s not perfect — far from it. But it is significantly better than doing nothing at all, and watching the Republican Party, over time, move ever leftward. In 2000 we saw, in just one year of… Read More