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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Jerry Brown’s ‘GOP 5’

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… … Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Aw, poor Democrats, they’re “standing alone”……

George Skelton’s column in the LAT tomorrow is the latest in pricelesslypathetic analysis of the GOP’s position in the current budget talks. Is it just senility on his part? Selective memory? I mean, what could it possibly be? Let me remind everyone: the voters in California have spoken. They have rejected and repudiated Republican ideas as thoroughly as they can be rejected. November, 2010 was a slaughter. Georgie – Californians don’t want our freaking input, okay? Do I need to send you the numbers again?

The only reason the MSM wants Republicans at the table at all is to share the blame for the inevitable non solution that will come out of these latest budget talks, and it appears at least five of our knuckleheads are at least considering being useful idiots for the California welfare State, again. The GOP is only wanted to provide votes for high taxes. That is it.

Hey people! How did we get here in the first… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Repealing the “Inviting” Crash Tax

It’s no surprise that members of the Oceanside City Council don’t like the idea of their city being labeled a “predatory community.” Yet, that’s the reference George Skelton used in a February Los Angeles Times column to describe Oceanside and other California cities that have imposed “crash tax” ordinances, including Carpinteria, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Hemet, Petaluma, Redlands, Ripon, Roseville, Sacramento, San Bernardino, Stockton, Tracy, Woodland and several others.

The crash tax is generally defined as a fee imposed on those getting in an accident that results in the dispatch of paramedics, firefighters or other emergency responders. Some cities impose it only on visitors or those “traveling through,” not their own residents.

Very inviting.

Many are calling it double taxation. State Senator Tony Strickland has introduced legislation, SB 49, that would ban theRead More

Jon Fleischman

CRA Introduces Resolution To GOP Convention To Censure GOP Legislators That Vote To Put Tax Increase On June ’11 Ballot

Last night I received an email from Celeste Greig, President of the California Republican Assembly (dubbed the conscience of the GOP) — who informed me that on behalf of the CRA, she has introduced two resolutions for consideration at next weekend’s California Republican Party Convention.

The first one, immediately below, is pretty self-expla

natory. This is a resolution that would seek to condemn and censure GOP legislators that vote to put taxes on a June special election ballot. Greig actually leaves blank spaces in this resolution so that, if necessary, the names can be added in…

California Republican PartyRead More

Jon Fleischman

The Folly Of Brown’s “No Loggerheads” Pension Reform Plans

I was almost amused to read over at the Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert Blog that Governor Brown has apparently rolled up his sleeves and is working on a public employee pension reform plan with his staff. Especially when he was asked by the media about the specifics that would be included, and he apparently responded, "As much as we can include that will not set at loggerheads all the opposing parties."

As I have often said on this blog, public employee unions (all employee unions) are creatures that live for two purposes only — to increase their size, and to increase the salary, benefits and regulatory environment to the benefit of their members. That’s it.

This is why unions like the California Teachers Association look ridiculous saying that they are about "the kids" when, for example, they don’t want to lay off the worst teachers first, but the most recently hired teachers first. In fact, they go so far as to say that you should not be able to rank teaches based on outcomes… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unions Pigging Out

Public employee unions are going to kill themselves and our state with their greed. This classic scene from Monty Python’s The Meaning Of Life is a great visual of what is going to happen as the unions keep pigging out at taxpayer expense…

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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Jerry Brown Is Dogging It

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unconstested Del Beccaro Releases Web Ads In Campaign For CRP Chairman

Uncontested in his bid for Chairman of the California Republican Party, Tom Del Beccaro is still waging a very aggressive campaign… He’s been traveling around the state as a pace that would make a gubernatorial candidate look lazy. Now he has released two new web-videos. Below I have embedded them both, and beneath them his campaign release which gives production credits.

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