I wouldn’t Count on Them if I were You
I like Alan Zaremberg, the President of the California Chamber of Commerce. He is a thoughtful man in a very difficult position. He knows he should be for small government and free enterprise, but he oversees the Chamber of Commerce in California, home of the Democratic National Socialist Party. One wrong step, and the next thing he knows, union thugs are calling CalPERS and CalPERS then threatens his board members with disinvestment. Think of this, you are on the board of a Fortune 500 company, and the largest institutional investor on the planet (CalPERS) calls you and says if you don’t control that guy at the California Chamber, CalPERS will pull its investment in your company. You have nightmares about the drop in your stock price, so you call Zaremberg and tell him to get with the program. Zaremberg toes the line.
Zaremberg did it again this week. Vote for the tax increase bill, and we’ll support you, says Zaremberg. He doesn’t make it partisan. He says it’s a tough vote for Democrats and Republicans, and we’ll support them all, he says. But the implication is–We’ll… Read More