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Jon Fleischman

Uhler & Fleischman Push For CAGOP To Oppose AFL-CIO’s Term Limits Weakening Measure

As delegates arrive today for the California Republican Party’s Convention in Sacramento, it will be the hope of those gathered that there will be no special election for the purposes of asking the voters to (once again) reject tax increases. A look back will reveal that the last seven times that California voters have had a chance to do so, they have rejected higher taxes.

That having been said, there is still an unfortunate possibly that some deal gets struck and we end up with a special election for June of this year. That said, in addition to anything that would be placed on the special election ballot as part of an ill-advised deal, there are two ballot measures that have already been qualified and will appear on the state’s next ballot. One is a tobacco tax measure. The other is a measure championed by the AFL-CIO to weaken California’s term-limits law.

This weekend the CRP has an opportunity to take positions on ballot measures, and so I have teamed up with Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee, to introduce the following resolution to the CRP’s Initiatives Committee for consideration,… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Senate Budget Update

Currently the Senate is contemplating the SB 69 Omnibus budget package. It relies on the oft mentioned tax increases that Gov. Brown has packaged. "Letting the people vote" is the mantra that forgets that they have voted in Nov 2010 and even on these exact same taxes in the package back in the May ’09 special election to not extend them for then 2 years, now 5 more. Because of Prop 25 the bill itself will pass today with a simple majority, not 2/3 as needed before. The taxes to ‘pay for it’ will not be brought up until later.

Earlier some of the cuts included a prison release package as part of the budget savings[AB 109] which passed off theis floor. "Low level offenders" would now be the worry of local jailors. Many that had been subject to parole accountability, would no serve time in local jails with NO probation upon release. Some offenses include: felony ID theft, cruel or inhumane child abuse resulting in traumatic condition, knowingly selling firearms to criminal street gang members, sale of controlled substance to minor, and many more types of offenders.

Much… Read More

Meredith Turney

Get Your Twitter Account Ready for 2012

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James V. Lacy

ACU ratings list “standout” Congressmen for 2010

The American Conservative Union’s annual ratings of Congress give California Congressmen Darrell Issa, Duncan Hunter II and Ed Royce perfect scores of 100 on the “conservative” side, and also laud Ken Calvert, Dana Rohrabacher, Gary Miller, Brian Bilbray, and John Campbell, among others, for their scores of above 80% conservative on all votes in the Congress in 2010. Both Loretta and Linda Sanchez scored “zero” on the conservative scale. More information is at… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Republican Mayor Of Maimi-Dade County Raised Taxes, And Just Got Recalled

Miami Dade County in Florida is big — even by California standards — home to over 2.5 million people. Yesterday the voters in this populous county in the most southeastern corner of the United States recalled their Mayor (in Florida, they elect a countywide Mayor who is the top County executive). Just two years after winning in a landslide election, Republican Carlos Alvarez was given an unceremonious "heave ho" by the voters. And what was his offense? Alvarez supported tax increases while presiding over increase benefits for public employee union members. The unemployment rate in Miami Dade County is 12% — much like many California counties.

This episode should be instructive to politicians around the entire country. We are in a terrible recession. It means that everyone has to make do with less. It means… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McCarthy Plan Would Implement Agenda of Schwarzenegger and Maldonado – And Moderate The Republican Party

At this weekend’s California Republican Party Convention, there will be some lively debate over the issue of how the party reacts to the passage of Proposition 14, the so-called “open primary” measure promoted by Arnold Schwarzenegger and Abel Maldonado, the express purpose of which was to moderate the party. Let’s be very, very clear on this point, because it is pivotal to the discussion, and should be the cornerstone issue by which CRP delegates think about how to proceed.

Schwarzenegger, Maldonado, and the “big business” community headed by the California Chamber of Commerce, as proponents of Prop 14, could not have been more clear. First and foremost, they actually put in the Official Voters Guide (signed by the CalChamber President) the following description in the arguments FOR Prop 14: “Supporters of Proposition 14 believe: The Top Two primary system will put more moderate politicians in office."

Here are… Read More

Senator Tony Strickland

Pass a Spending Cap to Maximize Taxpayer Dollars

Albert Einstein defines “insanity” as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Well, it’s the same old thing with California government – spending beyond our means and raising taxes – and it’s not working.

California’s taxes are some of the highest in the nation. We have the highest sales taxes. We have the highest gas taxes. Our personal income taxes are the third-highest in the nation. What’s worse, the Governor now wants to increase your taxes by more than $50 billion.

The problem is we already extended these tax increases two years ago. I said then raising taxes would not work to fix our economy and it hasn’t – things are worse now than they were then. The fact is, we’re not in this budget mess because we’re taxed too little; it’s because we’re taxed too much.

Every year, California government continues to overspend and then reaches into the pockets of hardworking taxpayers when it runs out of cash. To get us out of this budget crisis, we need to come up with meaningful reforms and ensure we do not raise taxes on over-burdened… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Military Personnel AOK Under Both Rules Plans

For those who read Jill’s post below this one, please be advised that Ron Nehring’s proposal has now been altered to provide that any participant in a caucus who is away, on active duty, may have an alternative represent them. So while there are differences between the plan, both plans address the concern about active duty military personnel.

Clearly some electioneering was going on, as no attempt was made to get Nehring to take care of this concern before "going public" — this was just an effort to attack the Nehring plan. Nevertheless — the issue has now been addressed and is moot.… Read More

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