Uhler & Fleischman Push For CAGOP To Oppose AFL-CIO’s Term Limits Weakening Measure
As delegates arrive today for the California Republican Party’s Convention in Sacramento, it will be the hope of those gathered that there will be no special election for the purposes of asking the voters to (once again) reject tax increases. A look back will reveal that the last seven times that California voters have had a chance to do so, they have rejected higher taxes.
That having been said, there is still an unfortunate possibly that some deal gets struck and we end up with a special election for June of this year. That said, in addition to anything that would be placed on the special election ballot as part of an ill-advised deal, there are two ballot measures that have already been qualified and will appear on the state’s next ballot. One is a tobacco tax measure. The other is a measure championed by the AFL-CIO to weaken California’s term-limits law.
This weekend the CRP has an opportunity to take positions on ballot measures, and so I have teamed up with Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee, to introduce the following resolution to the CRP’s Initiatives Committee for consideration,… Read More