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BOE Member George Runner

Tax Freedom Day Two Days Later This Year

According to the Tax Foundation, California’s Tax Freedom Day won’t come until April 16 this year, a full two days later than last year and four days later than the average state.

Tax Freedom Day, calculated annually by the Tax Foundation, is the day Americans have earned enough money to pay theirRead More

James V. Lacy

Mike Spence to Celeste Greig: time to resign from CRA

The annual convention of the California Republican Assembly is scheduled for next month, where a new leadership election is scheduled. CRA is and always has been, since the 1930s when it was founded by among others former Governor Earl Warren, the most important Republican volunteer organization in the state. Almost all the leadership of the California Republican Party have had a run threw the chairs of CRA. But while the recent election of leadership in the CRP was quite harmonious, the situation in CRA is hardly the case. Just after the "record date" closed this last week for selection and disclosure of delegates to next month’s convention, the current leadership group, lead by President Celeste Greig, former Barbara Alby aide Tom Hudson, and Orange County volunteer Craig Alexander, apparently determined that they were destined to be turned out of office; so in what would have been their limited time left on the CRA board, they have concocted an emergency "bylaw" amendment that will disenfranchise scores of delegates to the convention and thereby, they hope, perpetuate what has become a very pathetic term of office for all three. An unusual, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Leading Taxpayer Advocacy Groups Sign Letter Concerning State Budget Crisis

The following letter from major taxpayer advocacy organizations was distributed yesterday in the State Capitol to the offices of Republican legislators… (The link below opens a .pdf of the formatted letter complete with logos of the various organizations and signatures of their representatives.)

March 29, 2011 Dear Republican Legislators: Re: Expiration of the 2009 Tax Increases; Restoring California The undersigned taxpayer leaders are writing to reiterate our position that the 2009 tax increases hurt California; why they should be allowed toRead More

Jon Fleischman

No Budget Deal Is Much Better Than A Bad Budget Deal

Yesterday we saw the most recent and highest profile “cessation of negotiations” between Governor Brown, legislative Democrats, and the GOP “Rogue 5” as we call them. There is plenty of analysis available on the web for those who want to dig into the specific policy issues that were being horse traded in return for jamming taxpayers with yet another election held for the purpose of reaching into their pockets. Suffice it to say that my position, which is the position shared by a whole group of taxpayer protection groups in a letter published on the FlashReport today, and the position of 30 Senate and Assembly Republicans – there is NO public policy trade off that makes it okay to then vote to place taxes onto a special election ballot.

It is my sincerest hope that this latest “break” in negotiations is not just more posturing, as some budget kabuki dances take longer than others, but that it really means that the idea of Republicans putting up at least two votes in each chamber to put taxes on the ballot is extinguished.

As I have written before, if the very large tax increases passed as part of… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

$4/gallon, $4.50/gallon, $5/gallon or More

I was home in California last week and I paid $4.29 for premium fuel while I was there. And, as I write this, the price of oil is still rising. $4.50 or $5.00 per gallon of gas is certainly in sight and possible. And, remember that the price of oil is denominated in dollars, but it is a world market. So, when the value of the dollar drops, as it is doing now due to printing money and deficits and such, the price of oil in dollars will rise even if the world supply/demand equation remains stable. We have seen this movie before. I remember very clearly in August and September of 2008 that Republicans (including this Republican) took to the floor of the House during August recess to talk about the recent rise in gas prices and to send a "drill, baby, drill" message. I also well remember one day in September when I was scheduled to lead that floor effort, but the financial crisis was about to burst and overwhelm the issue of gas prices. I asked to see then minority leader Boehner and was able to convince him that we should not be talking about gas prices when a much bigger crisis was going to be upon us within days. He heeded this advice and we went out and held a short… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Asm. Donnelly Invited You To A Capitol Rally This Monday!

Patriot Tim Donnelly was elected to the State Assembly in 2010 and as a freshman member of the legislature has exhibited the kind of unflagging energy and commitment to preserving our Republican that one could only hope for. Donnelly’s focus has been focusing in a few key areas, one of which is fighting against illegal immigration. Right out of the gate, Donnelly has introduced AB 26, which in essence would enact the Arizona Immigration Law here in the Golden State.

This coming Tuesday AB 26 has its first committee hearing. But before that, Assemblyman Donnelly invited you to a 2 p.m. Rally on the north steps of the Capitol Building to rally support for the legislature.

Below is a friend video with Assemblyman Donnelly, with your personal invitation to come down and be counted…

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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Mike Pence Makes Swing Through LA, Orange Counties

On Sunday and Monday, United States Congressman Mike Pence made a brief swing through Los Angeles and Orange County. Pence, the former Chairman of the House Republican Conference (the number three slot in leadership) stepped down from his leadership post recently — leading to much speculation that the well-respected conservative Representative might be looking at a run for the White House, or for Governor. As things have evolved, it is all but certain that Pence will run for Governor of his home state of Indiana (all eyes are on current Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who himself is eying a run at the Presidency).

Pence’s visit started with a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition in Los Angeles, followed by a day of gatherings in Orange County. At lunchtime yesterday he spoke to a luncheon hosted by the Pacific Research Institute, followed by an intimate roundtable with members of the Family Action PAC (I participated in this and was really impressed the the Congressman’s depth and commitment to faith and principles). Pence then went onto an event for the Orange County Lincoln… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cook Report: California Congressional Delegation Redistricting Thoughts

With a h/t and shoutout FR friend Paul Mitchell who went through great efforts to organize it online, venerable political analyst Charlie Cook’s first real analysis of how California Congressional Redistricting is available here. It’s worth looking at — it even has maps! Of course this is all one person’s take, and the Commission has yet to release any preliminary plans… But it’s worth a peek.

Cook predicts the following incumbents may have some trouble due to new lines…


Dan Lungren (CA-03) Elton Gallegly (CA-24) David Dreier (CA-26) Gary Miller (CA-42) Ken Calvert (CA-44)


Jerry McNerney (CA-11) Sam Farr (CA-17) Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) Jim Costa (CA-20) Brad Sherman (CA-27) Howard Berman (CA-28) Laura Richardson … Read More

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