Cook Report: California Congressional Delegation Redistricting Thoughts
With a h/t and shoutout FR friend Paul Mitchell who went through great efforts to organize it online, venerable political analyst Charlie Cook’s first real analysis of how California Congressional Redistricting is available here. It’s worth looking at — it even has maps! Of course this is all one person’s take, and the Commission has yet to release any preliminary plans… But it’s worth a peek.
Cook predicts the following incumbents may have some trouble due to new lines…
Dan Lungren (CA-03) Elton Gallegly (CA-24) David Dreier (CA-26) Gary Miller (CA-42) Ken Calvert (CA-44)Democrats
Jerry McNerney (CA-11) Sam Farr (CA-17) Dennis Cardoza (CA-18) Jim Costa (CA-20) Brad Sherman (CA-27) Howard Berman (CA-28) Laura Richardson … Read More