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Matt Rexroad

Palm Springs Congressional District

A few months ago I posted here a quick look at the Congressional seat currently occupied by Congresswoman Bono Mack. (See that post here.)

Now that the data is in it is probably worse that I expected.

The big issue for her is if Imperial County is included in her district, or in the one currently represented by Congressman Filner (possible candidate for Mayor of San Diego).

As you can see by the attached maps Imperial County makes all the difference in the world to her.

At this point just based on the Voting Age Population of Latinos I would bet that Imperial ends up in her district. If that happens Assemblyman Victor Manuel Perez ends up in Congress. That is a shame.

New District – All Riverside CountyRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: California’s Union Lessons

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. McClintock on Obama Libya Policy

U.S. Representative Tom McClintock has sent the following letter to President Obama concerning recent U.S. military actions in Libya… March 23, 2011 The Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The White House Washington, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr.Read More

Jon Fleischman

CapWeekly: GOP Convention: Opposition to Special Election Taxes

This column appears today in Capitol WeeklyGOP Convention: Opposition to Special Election Taxes By Jon Fleischman Last weekend about 1,500 Republican leaders from all around California gathered at the Hyatt Regency Hotel across the street from the state Capitol for our biennial organizational convention. As is pretty much always the case, if you read the headlines blazing across MSM newspapers and reporter blogs, you might think that the convention was a bloodbath of epic proportions. It was not, of course. I spent a lot of time at the convention talking to delegatesRead More

Jon Fleischman

What’s Up With Speaker Perez’s Obscure, Obsessive Legislating?

Assembly Speaker John Perez is a product of his environment. He spent his entire adult life working full time for labor unions (most recently the United Food and Commercial Workers) before being elected to the legislature (he never even lived in his Assembly District until he moved there to run). If you look at his voting record, he votes the left-wing/union position 100% of the time.

As the Speaker, Perez should be focused exclusively on figuring out how to resolve California’s short-term and long-term state budget mess, right? Wrong. (Apparently).

While I won’t criticize him for his odd habit of collecting ducks (seriously), it seems like every legislative session he introduces a bizarre, obscure piece of legislation about which he becomes… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Sacramento Assembly District

In redistricting some districts draw themselves. The population and geography just work out that way.

Consider the City of Sacramento. The incorporated area is 814 people more than the ideal population for an Assembly District.

This district would place two newly elected Members of the Assembly together in the same district. Assemblyman Richard Pan and Assemblyman Roger Dickinson both live in the incorporated city so one would have to move or they would have to run against each other in this Democrat controlled district.

The other thing that this would do is pack most of the solidly Democrat areas into one district. The other two districts that are likely to come from the remainder of Sacramento would at least be competitive for Republicans.

I plan on publishing a number of maps in the coming weeks but this is the first one.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Who’s Really Going to Finance Brown’s Tax Increase Proposition?

Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unbelievable Boxer – Ms. Anti-War Supports Obama’s Libya “No Fly Zone”

Straight out of the "If you didn’t see it you wouldn’t believe it" files — ace political reporter Carla Maranucci has a blog post up over at the San Francisco Chronicle website with UNBELIEVABLE video from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer where she takes a couple of minutes to DEFEND President Obama’s use of the military to instigate and maintain a "no fly zone" over Libya.

Before you click through the link below to Marinucci’s post, I encourage you to take one painful minute and watch this video of Boxer speaking at an anti-war rally.

Link to Marinucci’s piece with video of Boxer supporting the U.S. military presence in Libya.

In case you might find it hand, here is a link to the definition of the world hypocrite.… Read More

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