Left Continues To Throw Stones At Koch Brothers From Glass Houses
The Democrats’ carefully crafted façade continues to be unraveled by their hypocrisy. From their inconsistent messaging on the federal budget negotiations, to their AstroTurf political demonstrations, it has become increasingly clear that their words and their actions don’t mesh.
Take for example the recent brouhaha in the Desert where more than 1,000 paid demonstrators protested a private meeting of the Koch brothers. As I said when this dust-up occurred, this is another example of Democrat hypocrisy. Let’s be clear, these weren’t volunteers out to support a cause they believe in. They were part of an Astrotruf effort, similar to those we are accustomed to seeing the union representatives who get paid to demonstrate outside the State Capitol organize during budget season.
It was a protest supposedly about the evils of the influence of money in politics, paid for by millionaire-funded political organizations like Common Cause and Greenpeace. That’s right. It was one set of millionaire-backed groups protesting millionaires who make political donations. We might as well just put a picture of Common Cause in the dictionary under the word:… Read More