Sunday San Diego… Chavez in the Mix?, New Future Voter at the Fletcher House, More
Add Rocky Chavez to the List in San Diego… Former Oceanside City Councilman Rocky Chavez is said to be mulling an open 2012 legislative seat in San Diego. Jim Sills has it first at San Diego Rostra yesterday:
“Friends and supporters are encouraging Rocky Chavez to seek one of SD County’s seats in 2012,” Sills writes. “The career US Marine served two terms on the city council, leaving in 2009 when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger first named him Undersecretary for Veterans Affairs, and then Acting Secretary the past six months, as Jerry Brown looked for a permanent successor.”
Which seat? As Sills notes, it depends on the upcoming state redistricting (and if Chavez plans to stick around Oceanside). The 74th Assembly (Martin Garrick leaving due to term limits), 75th Assembly (should Nathan Fletcher run for San Diego mayor) and 39th Senate (Chris Kehoe is termed out) could all be in play.
As I reported in February, … Read More