Sunday San Diego…Dumanis’ Nuñez Commutation Lawsuit, Redistricting Debate Rages, An Honor to Bloggers, More
Is DA Bonnie Dumanis Five Weeks Late with Lawsuit over Nuñez Commutation?… The rest of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s very questionable record as Governor is open to debate — barely — but the singular travesty that cannot be forgiven is one of his final acts. The pure political pandering at the heart of the Estaban Nuñez commutation and subsequent thumb-nosing at critics over the matter proves without doubt the man was never of the proper mettle for high public office.
That personal venting out of the way, I was pleased to see San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis file suit last week to reverse the action, not over the Governor’s right to commute the sentence, but based on the disregard for the crime victims’ opinions when considering the commutation.… Read More