Why Republicans Need to Back Craig Huey and the California Republican Party Needs a Rational Endorsement Process
Flying way under the news radar for most Republicans outside of the South Bay part of Los Angeles is a Congressional Special Election to fill the seat of Jane Harman, who up and left Congress to head up a think tank.
The map of CD-36 is one of those that fueled the cries for redistricting reform over the last several years, taking in obviously very specially selected parts of the South Bay – but not others. And by others, I mean the Republican parts. As of February, the voter registration stats in the District were 45.28% Democrat to 27.46% Republican.
But those numbers are deceiving, as the gap between Democrats and Republicans among voters who actually turn out to vote in this District is much smaller. For instance, the last time this District saw a Special Election was the May 2009 Statewide Special Election. In that Election, among the 77,775 voters who turned out – 43.15% were Democrats and 39.38% were Republican.
That to say, of course it is a long shot for a Republican to capture this seat, but it is within the realm of possibility enough for Republicans to be anxiously… Read More