Jerry Brown – And his emerging crime wave..,
With the appropriately named Brown vs. Plata up to 46,000 felons will be prematurely released from California state prisons. The vast majority of these criminals are gang members or those who received advanced criminal techniques that makes prisonersmost more predatory. The first duty of government is to protect its citizens.
Brown, the democrats and their government union allies are responsible for any murder, rape or mayhem that emerges from this artificially created crime wave. So long as California prisons cost THREE times more than Texas, we cannot build more facilities. The prison guards are the sloths here, paidoff Gov Brown, to get yet more raises, bonuses, concessions and bottomless pensions. The prison guards union successfully resisted any attempt to bring in ‘private’ less costly prisons for non-violent offenders. Suddenly, we have prison-crowding that bothers the liberal elites. Sadly, too often some… Read More