Guest Column: Dave Kieffer, Executive Director, SEIU California State Council
[Publisher’s Note: When I was approached by a mutual friend on behalf of Dave Kieffer, the new boss over at the state’s largest public employee union, SEIU, about whether I would be willing to feature a column from Kieffer here on the FlashReport, I have to admit I was taken a bit off guard. It is probably impossible to actually count up the number of times that contributors to this website, including yours truly, have derided the influence of public employee unions — often citing the SEIU specifically in critical commentaries.
It didn’t take me long, however, to determine that if the SEIU wants to take a direct message to the conservative statewide community, it would be both provocative and entertaining to open that forum to them. Just to double check my gut instinct, I reached out to some advisers who all agreed — run the piece. So without any further introduction, other than to say that the content of this column should really cause some angst for those who believe, as I do, that a broadening of… Read More