How do you solve a problem like Vernon?
Speaker John Perez is on a jihad to obliterate the City of Vernon, home of the world famous Dodger Dog, quite literally. His legislation to literally abolish the city has garnered much attention, and has already passed out of the Assembly. While some serious legal questions have been raised about whether Vernon can be obliterated in such a manner, the underlying question is should Vernon be a city at all? In my mind, there are really three issues at hand here.
The first is whether it is appropriate to have a city whose only real function is to serve as an incubator for its local business community. At less than a hundred residents in an area of roughly five square miles, that is home to businesses that collectively have more than 50,000 employees, you can kind of get the picture. Vernon was not started as a residential community. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Vernon has been a magnet over the decades for every kind of gross, smelly and loud business that you could think of – incinerators, slaughterhouses, and the like. Frankly, I’m surprised it has even the few residents that it does. Vernon has no parks, no libraries, and no infrastructure… Read More