A Convenient Truth – The Budget Vote Sham
Controller John Chiang is being a bit of a drama Queen, choosing to pause before confirming that he will continue to pay the salaries and per diem payments to California’s state legislators. When voters passed Proposition 25 last year, it included a provision suspending compensation to legislators if no budget is passed by the Constitutional deadline of June 15. So to be clear, if Democrats had not passed a budget on Wednesday, legislators not be getting paid. It is certainly no accident that the language in Prop. 25 does not tie the legislative pay suspension to the enactment of a budget, just the legislature sending one to the Governor. It would be a stunning display of independence from the state’s public employee unions if Chiang were to withhold the pay of their legislative vassals.
Given that the basic issues surrounding the budget impasse had not materially changed going into the 15th (liberals want to hike taxes to balance the budget, conservatives want cuts, and a small group of moderates want to trade putting taxes on the ballot in return for reforms), and since the legislature has an unfortunate, time honored tradition of ignoring the June… Read More