Taxpayers Win With GOP Resolve And Unity Against New Taxes In CA Budget
Ever since last week’s vote on the state budget, I have seen Democrats and many friends in the Main Stream Media (especially columnists and opinion-page writers) working overtime to diminish the substantive public policy victory achieved by Republicans as they withheld the votes that would have been required to raise California’s income, sales and car taxes. Because of the unity of Republicans on behalf of California taxpayers, who are amongst the highest taxed in the nation, billions of dollars in taxes that were billed as “temporary” have now ended. Because of Republicans, and despite Democrats, working Californians will now get to keep more of their hard-earned dollars to help balance their very stretched family or individual budgets. Because Republicans stuck together, the plans of Governor Brown and legislative Democrats to hit Californians with nearly $60 billion in higher taxes over the next four years have been foiled. This, by any measure, is a victory plain and simple. Especially in a town where the pressures to… Read More