The bogus UNSTATED public worker pension assumptions
The public worker pension debate rages on. And “rage” is the operative term when the unions and their allies discuss switching to 401-k plans from their current guaranteed defined benefit plans.
Carefully selected sob stories are popping up to justify continuing the public worker guaranteed pensions that are roughly three to four times what private sector workers can expect to receive upon retirement.
Rather than rehash the usual talking points, I’d like to here list what I consider some key oftenUNSTATED (and false) assumptions underlying the labor unions’ pitch:
1. “A government worker should be able to retire comfortably with their pension alone.” No need to otherwise save or invest. No stocks, no savings, no IRA’s, no home equity build-up, no payoff of mortgages and no inheritances. In the private sector, we look to these and other sources for improving our retirement years.
2. “City workers get zero social security.” Often that is not the case, as over their lives they earn sufficient credits in… Read More