The Risks Facing Business Candidates
The American political system is biased toward career politicians.
Re-election rates for members of Congress approaching or over 90% even in dramatic election years like 1994 and 2010 make this a political truism.
Conservatives often point to the long list of advantages given to incumbents as the reason so many can turn elective office into a lifetime occupation: full time staff providing constituent services, higher existing name recognition, better access to the media, established donors and volunteers carried over from the last campaign, campaign finance laws which incumbents craft but challengers do not, and so on.
These are just a few of the perks of office which carry clear political benefits the next time the incumbent goes before voters. Often overlooked, however, is how our system has become biased against candidates from the private sector, particularly when they challenge incumbents.
“Bias” doesn’t mean private sector challenges can’t and don’t win – but it does mean they face special challenges to which most incumbents are immune.
In 2010, Republican businesswomen Meg Whitman… Read More