New Audacious Effort To Eliminate Ballot Initiatives From June Statewide Elections?
It is hardly a secret that at a statewide level the voters of California have been “inconvenient” to the special interest groups that control the State Capitol.. You need look no further for proof of this than California Democrat Party Chairman and former State Senate President John Burton’s recent screed in the Sacramento Bee, railing against the ballot initiative process. Just last week there was an article in the Los Angeles Times, Democrats propose measures to rein in California initiative process. Without going on at length with a great many example of ballot measures passed by the California electorate, suffice it to say that while the Capitol is dominated by politicians with an ultra-liberal ideology, the results of various high profile initiative contests demonstrate that voters are pretty centrist – and center-right when it comes to fiscal issues.
The assault on the overall ballot measure process comes as no surprise, but the level to which… Read More