The First Step In Reforming Our State’s Budget Process: Performance Based Budgeting
We need to fundamentally change the way the state conducts its business. Today the Assembly passed legislation I was proud to be the principal co-author of dealing with performance-based budgeting. We must make state government more accountable, more transparent and ultimately, more effective.
I am the proud principal co-author of Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) that will put in place performance-based budgeting. Currently, the state budget operates on the principle of baseline budgeting. Many programs take the previous year’s amount and factor in an automatic increase. So what is often discussed in public as a cut is, in fact, simply a reduction in the rate of growth. This not only confuses the public, but also shifts the debate. Instead of focusing on whether a program is working efficiently or is even needed, the entire discussion becomes about the size of the increase.
The baseline model does not facilitate discussion or agreement on priorities. Instead, it needs to be about goals and desired results. Under the baseline model, state officials do not have the necessary information to determine which programs are really working. Baseline budgeting does not… Read More