Posted by Jon Fleischman at 2:25 pm on Aug 31, 2011 2 Comments
Lest we be accused of not sharing all perspectives on an issue,
FR friend Rex Hime, President of the California Business Properties
Association, sent this my way and I thought it worth sharing…
This concerns the so-called “Amazon Tax” that would require online
retailers doing business in California to collect sales taxes and
provide them to the state…
Republicans and conservatives
from across the country oppose giving special treatment to a
handful of online-only retailers like Amazon. A level playing field
that gets government out of the business of picking winners and
losers is the best strategy for growing small businesses and
creating jobs.
Republicans across the nation
have recognized that e-fairness is about creating a fair
competitive market, and providing all businesses – large and small
– opportunities to remain a cornerstone for American
In fact, when Governor Rick
Perry signed the law and an overwhelmingly number of Texas
Republican legislators passed e-fairness, the Texas Conservative
Coalition went so far as to say in their … Read More