Assembly Republican Caucus: California Crime Watch: Dangerous Criminals Coming Soon to Your Community
California Crime Watch: Dangerous Criminals Coming Soon to Your Community Assembly Republican Caucus
[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to present this guest column and video from the Assembly Republican Caucus … Flash]
Under the Governor’s dangerous public safety realignment program which takes effect today, 52,000 offenders will no longer be serving time in state prison by 2013-14. They will instead be sent to overcrowded county jails.
Many criminals will only serve a fraction of their sentences, while others will be granted early release to make room for the influx of state felons into local communities.
Here is our video featuring former Board of Prison Terms Chairman, Assemblyman Jim Nielsen, outlining how this plan will put public safety at risk.
For additional information, visit: http://arc.asm.ca.gov/cacrimewatch/… Read More