As Supreme Court Determines Future of Redevelopment, Private Property Rights Group Scores State Legislators
Few California taxpayers know much about redevelopment agencies and how they spend taxpayer dollars. This may change as the California State Supreme Court begins hearings today on the future of California’s redevelopment agencies (RDA).
RDA critics, chiefly advocates for private property rights and taxpayers, have submitted an amicus brief with the Court that refers to redevelopment as the “Money Pit,” largely because taxpayers are subsidizing private development,luxury golf courses, sports arenas, and even a Mermaid bar to the tune of over $5 billion a year!
While defenders of redevelopment claim that RDAs are needed now more than ever in these tough economic times, the independent State Legislative Analyst’s Office found there is no reliable evidence that they have created new jobs. All the while,politicians are cutting funding for police and fire protection, parks and classrooms.
There are some 425 redevelopment agencies (RDA) in… Read More