WSJ: California’s Governor Does Labor’s Bidding On Voter Initiatives
The following outstanding editorial appears in the print edition of the Wednesday Wall Street Journal…
California’s Governor Does Labor’s Bidding On Voter Initiatives This month marks the centennial of California’s voter initiative process, and Governor Jerry Brown has commemorated the occasion by signing a law that makes it easier for unions to defeat ballot measures they don’t like. Consider it more evidence of Mr. Brown’s disappointing return to Sacramento.
The California constitution stipulates that ballot measures be placed on a general election ballot unless lawmakers call a special election. What constitutes a “general election” was hotly debated during the 1960s and early 1970s. However, when the legislature wanted to put several bond measures on a primary ballot in 1971, Mr. Brown, then the secretary of state, obliged. Initiatives have since appeared on either primary (typically in June) or November ballots.
This has benefited voters since initiatives receive more scrutiny and debate when there are fewer measures on the ballot. The November… Read More