Bloomberg news service is just a liberal propaganda mill
Last month the Bloomberg “news service” distributed what purported to be a news story, trashing Prop 13. It was both intellectually dishonest, factually wrong and, well, pathetic. Here’s the response I wrote the reporter and editor (never heard back from them, oddly enough): TO: Bloomberg “Reporter” Christopher Palmeri
Bloomberg “Editor” Mark Tannenbaum
California Diminished by Tax Revolt of 1978 Shows How U.S. Invites Decline By Christopher Palmeri –Oct 16, 2011 9:01 PM PT . . .RIDER COMMENT: Remarkable. You publish a 2,000 word anti-Prop 13 “news” story without a single quote from a supporter of Prop 13.Not one! Apparently your reporter called the usual liberal California suspects to… Read More