Assembly Republicans Launch ‘California Budget Fact Check’ Website to Keep Taxpayers Informed During Budget Crisis
The following is a guest column jointly authored by Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway and Assembly Budget Committee Vice Chairman Jim Nielsen…
As California begins to debate the 2012-13 budget, we wanted to share with you a new budget resource that will be available. The Assembly Republican Caucus will be launching the “California Budget Fact Check” website – www.cabudgetfactcheck.com. This site will present factually valid statistical data on the California state budget. The goal of the website is to be a reliable “go-to” resource for continually-updated, fresh budget information.
With the advent of the majority vote budget, there has been a growing lack of timely non-partisan information on the budget. Additionally, much of the technical information provided by the administration and by the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office lacks context. Throughout the year, California Budget Fact Check will be updated utilizing data from the Department of Finance, the Legislative Analyst’s Office, the Controller and other relevant state… Read More