District Map Funny Business Finally Exposed
In a couple articles posted this afternoon, ProPublica “How Democrats Fooled California’s Redistricting Commission” and one in the San Jose Mercury News and probably many others by now, the funny stuff going on behind the scenes with how Califonia’s districts were reapportioned this year comes to light. In the ideal, I still believe that Prop 11 and Prop 20, that removed the map-drawing responsibilities from the Legislature to the hands of an ideally independent commission are the right way given many decades of history in US redistricting shenanigans. As you read through the history of this years’s commission efforts in the articles and other media, one would likely realize the commission didn’t work out well either and should’ve had more of its members vote ‘no’ on the final map proposals instead of being in love with their final work product. [Stopping a corrupted process and tossing it to the courts would not be a “failure.”] Post-map testimony provided by Commissioner Dr. Michael Ward would cause one to suspect the smoke from a possible fire. Indeed, Californians ended up with commissioners who APPLIED… Read More