With The Left In Disarray, It’s Time To Go On Offense — It’s Time For A Spending Cap
In a scene right out of the Keystone Cops, it is quite entertaining to see California Democrats so exuberant to raise taxes that there are at least four different major tax increase proposals that appear to he headed for the crowded November ballot.
Governor Brown of course is proceeding forward with a proposal for billions of dollars in increases in state income and sales taxes. Independently wealthy Molly Munger is personally funding the signature gathering effort for a massive $10 billion hike in state income taxes. A couple of the state’s most influential unions are pushing what’s is dubbed the millionaire’s tax — another multi-billion dollar hike in state income taxes. Wealthy investor Tom Steyer is funding a ballot measure to change the way some business taxes are computed, a de facto multi-billion dollar tax increase.It really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that while the Democrats and their union bosses are busy dividing their resources and squabbling amongst themselves, there is an opportunity for those who want fiscal sanity to come forth in state government. To use… Read More