My Last Word on This
I don’t like to get involved in a back and forth on issues on which I blog, but when someone comments on what I say, I want them to begin their comments by correctly stating what I said.
In this case, John Hrabe commented on my position on Proposition 28 by saying I was saying that the founding fathers would have opposed term limits. I said nothing of the sort.
My comments began with my analysis of the effects of term limits in the Legislature right now, from my personal observations.
This is where I agree with John. The process corrupts even the best of us. That, however, is normal. We are all human, and it takes a person of incredible moral insight and strength to avoid the temptations of political office. There are lines of people who wait to feed the egos of politicians, and, unfortunately, too many of those politicians fall victim to the ego strokes. The good news is, however, is that a politician who does fall victim to those temptations has to face the voters, and if it gets too bad, they will lose.
Unfortunately, the special interests who feed the politician’s ego don’t face the voters, and don’t really care who… Read More