State GOP Opposes Perez Proposal To Change Single Sales Factor Law
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I received a statement from Assemblyman Jim Nielsen regarding a piece of legislation authored by Assembly Speaker John Perez that would change the “single sales factor” system of taxation in a way that would cause certain out-of-state businesses that do business in this state to get hit with a big increase in the taxes that they have to pay. Nielsen also sent along a California Republican Party resolution on this matter, adopted at the last CRP Convention, which is also below.
“Governor Jerry Brown said that he thinks Assembly Speaker Perez’s $1 billion tax increase on companies for middle class scholarships is “a good idea.” This just a day after he capitulated to the public unions’ demands by incorporating the worst portions of their tax hikes into his plan. Families, business owners, students and taxpayers should be fully aware of the coming battle in 2012: Jerry Brown, legislative Democrats and the unions are launching a nuclear tax attack on California.… Read More