Prop 29: Another Grab for Dollars with No Accountability to Taxpayers
April 17 may be the deadline of another tax filing season, but it’s just the start of Democrats’ 2012 tax initiative season. In fact, in less than 60 days, voters must take a stand against and defeat the first round of this year’s tax hike measures: Proposition 29.
Prop. 29, like many other tax increases in recent years, seeks to target an unpopular activity, smoking, and increase taxes to combat something of universal concern, in this case cancer research.
Cut from the same cloth as previous taxpayer-funded ballot-box boondoggles like high-speed rail, the stem-cell research initiative and First 5, Prop. 29 is a $735 million annual tax increase that creates a brand new bureaucracy overseen by unelected political appointees who have unchecked authority to spend billions of taxpayer dollars.
At a time when Democrats are threatening more devastating cuts to education and public safety if voters refuse to approve Governor Brown’s tax measure in November, Prop. 29 raises nearly $1 billion in taxes a year, yet fails to do anything to solve our massive budget deficit or require that Sacramento control its wasteful spending habits.
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