Is the San Bernardino city BK the fault of Prop 13? Nope!
In the article below on city bankruptcies, the LA TIMES gives the impression that San Bernardino’s BK is largely due to Prop 13. Not so.
I don’t have the city historical property tax figures, but doubtless they closely refect San Bernardino COUNTY property tax. Consider:
In 2005, the county property tax assessment roll (on which the property tax is levied) was $126.51 billion. By 2008, it had soared to $181.83 billion.http://www.sbcounty.gov/assessor/Archives/annualreport2008web.pdf
In 2012, it dropped back to $162.68 billion.http://www.sbcounty.gov/assessor/Documents/20120629AssessmentRoll.pdf
Yes, from 2008 through 2012 the tax revenue dropped about 2.7% a year. This last year it actually ROSE a modest 0.8%.
But consider the longer term. From 2005 to 2012 the property tax rose an average 3.7% a year compounded. That hardly constitutes a paucity of revenue.
The problem for San Bernardino is the… Read More