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Jon Fleischman

Barbara Boxer’s GOP “Soul Mate” Running In FL GOP House Primary

Since the FlashReport is a website devoted to California politics, it is not as frequent that I write about political races in other states. But there is a Republican Congressional primary taking place in Central Florida that is so important that is worth my time to write about it, and for you to take a few minutes to read about it. But before I delve into that race, let me start with a brief introduction.

It is important to remember that conservatives in America are in the middle of two great battles, both of which must be won if we are to achieve our goals of a truly limited role for the federal government, and restoring greater freedom and liberty back to the people of this great nation. The first battle, the more obvious one, is against liberal Democrats. This manifests itself in the candidacy of Mitt Romney against Barack Obama, and also in a cluster of U.S. Senate seats that are competitive in November, in which Republicans must win enough seats to take a majority in the upper chamber. Of course we need to maintain a Republican majority in the House.

We are reminded, however, that simply running a Republican “trifecta” of the Presidency, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats Have A “Death Wish” For Their Own Tax Hikes

Sometimes the 140 character limit of a tweet on Twitter forces one to be remarkably concise. Such was the case last evening around 8 p.m. when longtime Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters had this to say…

Because I am not limited to seven score of digits in this blog post, I can elaborate a bit on what Walters meant by this tweet. When he mentions the bullet train, he is referring specifically to the fact that yesterday Governor Brown traveled to both Los Angeles and to San Francisco to hold press conferences where he signed the legislation to authorize the spending of multiple billions of dollars on the first leg of what might someday be high speed rail, in the Central Valley.… Read More

Jim Battin

Beware the Lumber Tax

Earlier this year, Governor Jerry Brown introduced the Timber Hard Plan Reform package as part a budget trailer bill. Gov. Brown’s Democratic Administration says that these reforms will support the struggling California timber industry, in part by creating a lumber retail sales tax. This tax would shift the financial burden of funding state regulatory agencies from timber companies to the consumer. Consumers would be forced to pay this tax whenever lumber is purchased at a local hardware store.

No matter how they try and spin it, this proposal is to increase taxes on hard-working Californians who are struggling to emerge from the recession. Taxing consumers because the state over regulates the lumber industry just doesn’t make sense to me.

Democrats can describe this Lumber Retail Sales Tax as something aimed at supporting our local timber industry, but it is still a tax – and this would be a new tax. It would be wiser to examine the extreme amount of regulations placed on the California timber industry, which is far more regulated than other states in the region. Improving the efficiency of the Department of Fish and Game, Department of… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

A New Tax Code in 2013?

*NOTE: SPECIAL SURVEY EDITION. This week’s edition includes an interactive survey. After you finish reading, please make sure to assess my plan and tell me what you think!

Taxes: Taxes are always a big issue in politics and public policy. However, right now there is a crescendo of agreement building in Washington that it’s time to make some fundamental change to our tax system.

The debate in Washington of late has been confined to the so-called Bush tax cuts, all of which are scheduled to expire at the end of this year. Essentially, should we extend all of them, none of them, or some of them? The erudite readers of these missives (that’s you) have heard all of this before and know the arguments for and against the extension and all about taxing the “rich” and such. So, I won’t repeat them here. Economists are unified in their predictions of recession if we are allowed to go over the “fiscal cliff” on December 31 and allow all of the tax cuts to expire and the sequestered spending cuts… Read More

Jon Fleischman

After 26 Years Royalty Retires As President of OCTax

Reed Royalty, who founded the Orange County Taxpayers Association (OCTax) in 1986 and has served as its only president since, announced his retirement at the organization’s second annual “Roses, Radishes and the Royalty Awards” dinner last week at The Island Hotel in Newport Beach.

In his remarks, Reed cited some of OCTax’s milestones. He said, OCTax’s “first defining success” was the original Measure M campaign for transportation in 1990, which he chaired. He said “Measure M literally enabled Orange County’s future. Can you imagine living here without Measure M’s improvements to our freeways and streets?”

Reed said Measure M was the birthday of OCTax’s “perfect” Mission Statement: “taxes should be fair, understandable, cost-effective and good for the economy.” He said, “If a tax meets those criteria, it’s a good tax; if it doesn’t, it’s not.” He told his audience, “You don’t leave this room tonight until you can recite those four principles.”

There are too many instances to recount where Reed has weighed in for taxpayers over the years, some with a high profile, other times when the spotlight was somewhere… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Debunking Brown: “TemporaryTaxes” – Really?

There is and will be much to dissect about the disinformation campaign for Governor’s Brown’s measure on the November ballot to massively increase the income and sales taxes of Californians. I guess we can start with the Governor use of the word TEMPORARY, which is defined by Merriam Webster as, “lasting for a limited time.”

Today the Governor sent out an email blast that, in its entirely, said:

“Dear Jon,

Yesterday, the campaign to protect schools and public safety launched a new Yes on Prop 30 website and a video urging voters to take a stand.

The video features major law enforcement and education leaders from across the state who endorse Proposition 30.

After years of cuts, California’s public schools, universities and local public safety are at the breaking point. In the last four years alone, schools have been hit with $20 billion in cuts and a loss of more than 30,000 fewer educators. Today, California has among the largestRead More

Jon Fleischman

A Few Tuesday Musings

– Real pension reform cannot take place this Fall because there will be no time to put reforms on the ballot for the voters to lock into place. After all, who would trust this legislature not to reverse any reforms, retroactively, as soon as there is an upswing in the economy?

– Attempts by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors and the City Councils in Fontana and Ontario are advancing an absurd expansion of eminent domain that you really couldn’t make up if you tried. They would use the power to seize mortgages — seriously. Just take them from the lenders as if they were the equivalent as a parcel of land impeding a highway expansion. All in the name of a non-existent responsibility of government to mettle in people’s personal finances. This goes nowhere.

– I still maintain that the efforts by Senators Mimi Walters, Joel Anderson, CRP Chairman Tom Del Beccaro and others to qualify a referendum on the new Commission-drawn State Senate lines were appropriate. As drawn, it is overwhelmingly likely that the GOP will lose enough seats to lose the ability to stop 2/3 vote bills. The judges opted out of drawing any new… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 66 – Craig Huey (R) vs. Special Interests

Thanks to the rapacious desire of the members of the California Redistricting Commission to play around with Assembly District lines in Los Angeles County, the newly minted 66th Assembly District in the South Bay Area [see map] is now a prime opportunity for a Republican pickup. The largest cities in this new coastal district are Redondo Beach, Torrance and Rancho Palos Verdes. Unlike some districts which, thanks to the passage of Proposition 14, have two candidates from the same party battling it out this November, the 66th features a more traditional Rep on Dem matchup, with the Republican being businessman Craig Huey, and the Democrat being Al Marasuchi.

While the Marasuchi ran unopposed as the only Democrat on the ballot, Huey was victorious in a robust primary against Nathan Mintz. Actually, the GOP dustup ended up not being very close Huey got 38% of the vote while Mintz got 21%. It is very significant to note their combined percentage of the vote was a strong 59% to the Democrat’s 41%. This augers well for the GOP in the Fall. A fun factoid is that in Torrance,… Read More

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