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Barry Jantz

The Winners! – The Great Rostra/FlashReport San Diego Primary Election Contest

The results have been tallied for our little Election Contest (see the questions here), with about 45 participants. I’m pleased to say it was the most competitive contest yet. Maybe the questions were too easy. I’ll remember that next time. But, we do have some winners.

First, some stats — since the type of ner … uhhh, I meanwonkswho enter the contest are into stats.

Out of the 10 base questions, no one got less than five correct answers, with 63 percent of the participants getting between five and seven right. About another one-third nailed eight or nine correctly, pretty amazing.

More specifically:

San Diego City Council District 5— Thankfully, this “gimme” question that the seat would be won by lone contenderand Republican Mark Kerseywas answered correctly by everyone,includingKersey. He did add an “ahem” after his answer to this one.

San Diego City Council District 1— One third of you guessed… Read More

Shawn Steel

FR Publisher Jon Fleischman Honored With Andrew Breitbart Award At Right Online Conference

I am very pleased to share the wonderful news that last weekend, at the Americans For Prosperty Right Online annual convention held in Las Vegas, FlashReport’s own publisher Jon Feischman was awarded the blogger of the year award which has been renamed, starting this year, the Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Activism and Online Reporting. The award was presented to Jon by renowned activist Dana Loesch of and Tim Phillips, the President of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, in front the better part of a thousand online conservative activists from all around the country.

Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity Foundation said, “For years, Jon Fleischman has demonstrated the instincts, technical savvy, and guiding principles that make a truly great newsmaker online. The Flash Report has become a must-read resource for Californians, and we were proud to honor Jon for his great work at Right Online.”

Peter Foy, who is State Chairman of Americans for Prosperity for California said, “It is wonderful that Jon Fleischman has received this wonderful recognition from his peers in the online activist… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Random Thoughts On The California Political Scene…

— Speaker John Perez’s scheme to raise a billion dollars in new taxes and then redistribute that money to public college and university students in California is incorrectly called the “Middle Class Scholarship Program.” The problem with this title, you see, is that scholarship has absolutely nothing to do with it, since there is no requirement that beneficiaries meet any kind of level of performance, such as a grade point average. It would be more appropriately called a welfare program, or a grant program. But I guess those names didn’t poll quite as well.

— A lesson in California state budget physics: When Governor Brown introduces a bad budget, and the Democrats who control the legislature propose their own bad changes to a bad budget, the results is… Well… You guessed it… A bad budget. The document that is nearing final approval isn’t balanced by a long shot. While there are some big problems with it, the biggest gaping hole in it is that it “balances” assuming that California voters will approve a massive tax increase before them on the ballot this November.

— The Right Wing News… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Putting A Patina Of Bi-Partisanship On Speaker Perez’s Political Play Is A Head Scratcher

For as long as there have been liberals seeking or occupying positions of authority in government, there has been the presence of the politics of class warfare. We will see this in aces in the campaigns of both Jerry Brown and Molly Munger for their respective income tax increase measures that come before voters in November — “the rich must pay their fair share” and “they can afford it” will be the rhetoric of proponents — never minding the unfortunate reality that state government revenues are already extremely overdependent on income taxes from California’s biggest earners.

No where is there a better example of playing the “class warfare” card in the state legislature than Assembly Speaker John Perez’s so-called “Middle Class Scholarship Program” — which at its essence seeks to cut a favorable tax break for out-of-state companies, that saves those companies about a billion dollars a year in state taxes, and then proposes to use that billion dollars to instead create a new program to directly subsidize the costs for students to attend a public college or university in the state. Well, not all… Read More

Ron Nehring

Obama Disappoints Europe by Not Being Liberal Enough

Barack Obama has not turned out to be the President whom Europeans expected he would be. And if public opinion serves as a guide, the President has been a disappointment for Americans as well.

These were among the points I made in an address to the prestigious Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Berlin last week. The Foundation, which is aligned with the conservative CDU party of Chancellor Angela Merkel, is a major force in German politics, and its staff and supporters are well connected to the European political scene.

When Barack Obama addressed several hundred thousand Germans at Berlin’s Victory Column in 2008, it came at a time when President Bush’s standing in European public opinion had reached its nadir. Obama would present the starkest break from the policies of the Bush Administration, and the European public responded with glowing approval and anticipation.

Yet today, even the left-leaning European press has turned against America’s chief advocate of “hope” and “change.” While… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assemblyman Brian Jones asks, “Are you kidding me?”

Assemblyman Brian Jones, a Republican legislator from San Diego County, asks “Are you kidding me?”

Read More

Shawn Steel

Message (Still) Matters. How Eric Linder Came Out on Top in AD60…

Eric Linder finished in second place in the AD60 Primary Election, coming in just behind the only Democrat on the ballot. But, he finished a full 8-points ahead of the next nearest of his two Republican opponents. In a seat that should go Republican in November, this means Eric Linder should be replacing Assemblyman Jeff Miller come November.

Eric is a young, energetic, impressive leader in our Party. He’s the Vice-Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party. That he made it to the run-off in November as the Republican nominee isn’t a story. But how he managed to pull of that victory certainly warrants telling.

Just two weeks prior to the Filing Deadline, Linder was still going back and forth about whether to run.

On the one hand, there appeared to be an opening. Neither of his two other Republican opponents had been posting impressive fundraising numbers. And, neither had much by way of ties within the Party.

On the other hand, obvious obstacles certainly also existed. Both of those opponents were prominent elected officials. Both of them were law enforcement professionals: one a recently retired… Read More

Assemblyman Donald P. Wagner

California’s Phantom Budget

On Friday, the Legislature passed the state budget and, while I don’t want to sound like a crank, I have to ask: Really? This is how we do things in Sacramento? This is how we govern the nation’s most populous state? This is how we pass the budget – the single most important piece of legislation we’ll consider all year?

I serve on the Budget Committee and thought we had scraped the bottom of the procedural barrel last year. The committee hearing on that final budget lasted only about 45 minutes before the committee chairman cut off questioning to take a vote so that Democratic members of the committee could “catch airplanes.”

But we hadn’t hit bottom. This year, incredibly, the process was worse.

For example, the Budget Committee never even held a hearing and vote on the budget we passed on Friday, so I guess last year’s 45 minutes wasn’t bad. Instead, we had an “informational” presentation of a budget “framework.” In some news reports, Sacramento’s ruling Democrats called it a “concept” for the budget. In any event, there was no vote, even on the “concept” for this year’s budget. Moreover, the language of the budget… Read More

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