Yesterday the trial lawyers and radical environmental groups launched a campaign to dupe the California Republican Party delegates assembling this weekend to back their big government “genetically modified food” labeling initiative, Prop 37. Here is the warning I sent to delegates about this trial lawyers’ dream:
The trial lawyers and radical environmentalists are trying to fool CRP delegates about an upcoming proposition, and I wanted to bring it to your attention right away.
Let me explain.
During my four years as Chairman, once in a while the leftists would show up at convention trying to dupe the CRP into supporting their liberal, big government propositions when they thought they might get away with it.
Fortunately, we stopped them every time and the CRP has been very consistent in supporting good initiatives and opposing bad ones.
Well, now they’re back.
Earlier today you received a very misleading email from a “Tom Fendley” spinning why Proposition 37 is a great idea.
It is terrible public policy and we need to oppose it.
The trial lawyers and radical environmental… Read More