I am shocked, shocked that a bureaucracy is hiding money!
In the famous movie, Casablanca, Captain Louis Renault announced:
I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here. [A casino worker gives Renault a wad of money.] Casino Worker: Your winnings, sir.
Over this last week, we have seen many in the Governor’s office and the Democrat Leadership announced that they are “shocked” that the California Department of Parks and Recreation had hidden money while they were attempting to extort more money out of the taxpayers by threatening to close down parks. “How could they be so deceptive?” our liberal friends in politics and the media cried, “They lied to us.”
Oh, give me a break. This deception has been going on for years, aided by the full time budget staff at the Legislature, the Legislative Analyst’s Office, the “Career Executive Assignment” (CEA) staff in the various state agencies and departments, and the leaders of the various government unions. Who lost their job over this? A couple of political appointees, either too lazy, too stupid or too trusting to inquire from these career… Read More