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Tony Manolatos

Hello from San Diego

San Diego Politics & Media Mashup

I feel like a kid walking around campus for the first time as I write this blog post, which I hope is the first of many for FlashReport.

Jon Fleischman called me about a week ago and asked me to join the team, and here I am. Some of my posts from San Diego Rostra have run here in the past, but this is my first post for FlashReport.

Eight months ago I launched a weekly blog called “Politics & Media Mashup” at Rostra, which has helped me market my communications consulting business, By George Strategies, and some of my clients. Rostra also introduced me to some great people who don’t take themselves too seriously, so I’ve had a lot ofRead More

Richard Rider

Numbed by unemployment problem? 10 points to ponder

RIDER COMMENT: I think we Americans all are suffering from “unemployment fatigue.” We are sick and tired of discussing, pondering and complaining about this ongoing problem.

But this reality is still a huge depressant on our economy – both economically and psychologically. Logically unemployment should still be the #1 issue in the November election – which is why Obama is busy throwing mud in every direction but his own.

Here’s a readableWALL ST JOURNALop-ed on this problem. But first I’ve listed my 10 factoids and observations — mostly from the article:

1. Fewer Americans are working today than in 2000, despite the fact that our labor force has grown by 11.4 million.

2. The U.S. economy is NOT rebounding as in times past — an ominous parallel with the 12%+ permanent European unemployment condition.

3. Fifty percent of the jobs created since the recession hit have been part-time, with no benefits and a wage that’s inadequate to enter the middle class.

4. Counting discouraged workers no longer seeking employment and part-timers who want… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Of The Passing Of David Howard

Like so many others involved in California politics, I was stunned to learn of the passing of David Howard, the political director for the California Association of Realtors. Apparently just a few weeks before his passing, David learned that he had Lung Cancer. He was 64 years old.

David was a great person, and someone who was totally passionate about politics. I first met David many, many years ago at a California Chamber of Commerce retreat, and we got to talking about the political landscape for that particular year’s upcoming elections. In no time at all, we found ourselves “in the weeds” as it were, really getting into the nitty… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California AMBER Alert Turns 10

As the author of the legislation establishing California’s AMBER Alert program, I joined CHP Assistant Chief Mark Brunet and others today at an event marking its ten year anniversary.

As I noted at the event, the AMBER Alert is government at its best. It protects Californians, which is the first priority of government, and it does so efficiently and effectively.

According to the CHP, this life-saving program has led to the safe recovery of 234 children since it was first implemented statewide in July 2002. In addition to the hundreds of children safely recovered, the AMBER Alert program has also led to the capture of abductors before they could commit further crimes.

I was able to personally see the benefits of the system almost as soon as it came online; the very first AMBER Alert issued happened to be in the area near my home in the Antelope Valley area. In that instance, two young ladies were successfully rescued after a Cal-Trans worker recognized the vehicle described in the alert.

The State of California needed a mechanism in place to assist in recovering our children safe and sound. I’m pleased to have been instrumental in the success… Read More

Richard Rider

Solid Takedown of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Speech

The Ultimate Takedown of Obama’s ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Speech Below is an odd post that quite impressed me — a comprehensive takedown of Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech. All of my allies know that Obama is oh SO wrong, but dissecting his populist argument for others to understand doesn’t come easy.

What is odd about this solid refutation is that it’s an anonymous piece. But the lack of authorship ID should not diminish the value of the message. This piece deserves dissemination.

Business owners throughout the nation (and many others) have to be angry about Obama’s disdain for entrepreneurship. But the Obama speech was not some flippant, off-the-cuff rant. It is a carefully crafted commentary, intended to draw the Occupy sympathizers and shallow thinkers (overlapping groups whose “members” are FAR more numerous than just the Occupy movement itself) to his banner while somehow shaming business owners.

Surely the crafters of such policy have done the “focus group” analysis and found that, on average, it’s a winning strategy. After all,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Barbara Boxer’s GOP “Soul Mate” Running In FL GOP House Primary

Since the FlashReport is a website devoted to California politics, it is not as frequent that I write about political races in other states. But there is a Republican Congressional primary taking place in Central Florida that is so important that is worth my time to write about it, and for you to take a few minutes to read about it. But before I delve into that race, let me start with a brief introduction.

It is important to remember that conservatives in America are in the middle of two great battles, both of which must be won if we are to achieve our goals of a truly limited role for the federal government, and restoring greater freedom and liberty back to the people of this great nation. The first battle, the more obvious one, is against liberal Democrats. This manifests itself in the candidacy of Mitt Romney against Barack Obama, and also in a cluster of U.S. Senate seats that are competitive in November, in which Republicans must win enough seats to take a majority in the upper chamber. Of course we need to maintain a Republican majority in the House.

We are reminded, however, that simply running a Republican “trifecta” of the Presidency, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats Have A “Death Wish” For Their Own Tax Hikes

Sometimes the 140 character limit of a tweet on Twitter forces one to be remarkably concise. Such was the case last evening around 8 p.m. when longtime Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters had this to say…

Because I am not limited to seven score of digits in this blog post, I can elaborate a bit on what Walters meant by this tweet. When he mentions the bullet train, he is referring specifically to the fact that yesterday Governor Brown traveled to both Los Angeles and to San Francisco to hold press conferences where he signed the legislation to authorize the spending of multiple billions of dollars on the first leg of what might someday be high speed rail, in the Central Valley.… Read More

Jim Battin

Beware the Lumber Tax

Earlier this year, Governor Jerry Brown introduced the Timber Hard Plan Reform package as part a budget trailer bill. Gov. Brown’s Democratic Administration says that these reforms will support the struggling California timber industry, in part by creating a lumber retail sales tax. This tax would shift the financial burden of funding state regulatory agencies from timber companies to the consumer. Consumers would be forced to pay this tax whenever lumber is purchased at a local hardware store.

No matter how they try and spin it, this proposal is to increase taxes on hard-working Californians who are struggling to emerge from the recession. Taxing consumers because the state over regulates the lumber industry just doesn’t make sense to me.

Democrats can describe this Lumber Retail Sales Tax as something aimed at supporting our local timber industry, but it is still a tax – and this would be a new tax. It would be wiser to examine the extreme amount of regulations placed on the California timber industry, which is far more regulated than other states in the region. Improving the efficiency of the Department of Fish and Game, Department of… Read More

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