CEQA Reform: Good Idea. At The Cost Of A $Billion Tax Hike – NO WAY!
All of the talk in the Capitol is that a deal is afoot. That the cosmic forces of the world are coming into alignment. Translation — the taxpayers of California had better watch their pocketbooks!
It is important that you read Assemblywoman Diane Harkey’s column on the FlashReport today.
A quick reminder — Democrats do not need Republicans to cut any deals — with one big exception. Still (barely) out of reach of the ever-greedy hands of the majority party is the two-thirds vote protection in the State Constitution to raise taxes. So let’s be very clear — any deal that Republicans strike with Democrats by definition includes a tax increase.
The problem is that Republicans can (and do) cut deals in good faith, and then Democrats reneg on them. I wrote an entire column on Monday which went into great detail on many of the handshake deals that were subsequently undone. And in almost every case, to get… Read More