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Ron Nehring

Democrats and the “Ideas people come to America to get away from.”

To me, the most powerful words spoken at the Republican National Convention came from Sen. Marco Rubio when he said the Democrats’ agenda represents “ideas people come to America to get away from.”

My parents came to Americas as German immigrants in 1961. During his six years as a sailor in the German merchant marines, my father visited America and many other countries. After marrying my mother he decided that it was America, not Germany, that offered the freedom he sought. Europe, he believed, offered too much government and too few opportunities.

Choosing to leave your native country is not easy, especially when your new home is so far away, transportation is not nearly as affordable as it is today, and people speak a different language. I remember my mother telling me that she and my father, who spoke no English on arrival, learned the language in part by watching cartoons on television.

The same belief in individual liberty that led my father to this country also led him to become a Republican, because it is our party, not the alternative, that best protects the freedom that distinguishes us from the Europe he left behind.

So when… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*TAXPAYER ALERT* Democrats Push Massive Car Tax Bill (SB 1455)

Democrats, using the “gut and amend” process where they drop things into legislation at the last minute, are seeking to take car taxes due to sunset in 2015 and extend them until 2023 — at a cost to car owners of billions of dollars. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association has made defeating this bill a top priority.

I urge you to watch a short, informative video that I just taped, and contact your state legislators and urge them to oppose SB 1455, the massive extension of car taxes set to expire in 2015.

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Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: Wednesday Night Belonged To Paul Ryan

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s in Tampa in and is live blogging the Republican National Convention… Outside of Paul Ryan’s formal acceptance I did not expect the same high level of deliveries we saw Tuesday night

True enough, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and newly elected Ohio Senator Ron Portman both gave lackluster performances. Both offered little in the way of content and delivered mediocre speeches.

Wisely, Mitt, Inc. devoted a full hour to honoring the Pauls’ with both a complimentary video of Congressman Ron Paul and then the Congressman’s son, freshman U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky took to the podium for a lengthy speech to the crowd. Senator Paul knew his audience. He focused on points of agreement… Read More

Ron Nehring

Condi for Governor? Ten Reasons to Seriously Consider It

Condoleezza Rice’s powerful speech to the Republican National Convention Wednesday night catapulted the former Secretary of State back into the national spotlight. The Republican Party needs leaders like Rice who can forcefully and convincingly convey the Republican message while concurrently offering a personal story and credentials that can draw broad support.

As California continues to careen off the fiscal cliff and there’s no sign the Democrats in Sacramento have any intention of changing direction, Republicans must soon turn to the task of fielding a serious challenger to Gov. Jerry Brown. Here are ten reasons to consider Condoleezza Rice:

She is an electrifying figure who challenges the Republican stereotype while concurrently earning Republican respect and support. She lives in California, and with the exception of her years in Washington has been here since she was first hired by Stanford University in 1981. Serving as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State for President George W. Bush and as the NSA’s Russia expert for President George H.W. Bush gives her impeccable Republican and government … Read More

Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: Tuesday Night Triumph!

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s in Tampa in and is live blogging the Republican National Convention… Last night’s general session here at the Republican National Convention was a triumphant event.

Before Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker began speaking he earned a standing ovation!

Soon-to-be elected-U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is a reminder to the crowd here, and the folks watching at home, that there is an emerging conservative Hispanic coalition growing in our party.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Hailey, in her… Read More

Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: Lockdown At The RNC: America? Or East Germany During The Cold War?

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s already in Tampa in advance of next week’s Republican National Convention, and will be “live-blogging” from on the ground… Here’s his third update from Florida.

This really has not been a RNC controlled convention. Logistics were entirely controlled by the Secret Service. Conventions are considered national security events.


It was like East Berlin in 1962 with miles of 20 foot high rusted fences, with hundreds of concrete barriers.

Long unnecessary lines.

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Shawn Steel

Live From Tampa: Ecstasy, Agony and Resolution

Republican National Committeeman from California, is a well known fixture here at the FlashReport. He’s already in Tampa in advance of next week’s Republican National Convention, and will be “live-blogging” from on the ground… Here’s his third update from Florida. This should have been posted last night, but I got distracted. My apologies to Mr. Steel.

Yesterday morning began with a bang at 7:30 am with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie whipping up the large California delegation into a frenzy! He fired bromides against President Obama, Jerry Brown, Liberals, Democrats and other freaks of nature — and Christie was as entertaining as ever.

Christie told a great story about being invited to a White House ceremony once — as he approached his reserved seat, he noticed that it was occupied… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Two Truths On Pension Reform, And Why This Deal Isn’t It

This is very simple, and very straightforward.

In order to have real, meaningful public employee pension reform, there are two factors that matter more than any others, neither of which are present in the proposal that is being announced by Governor Brown and legislative leaders today. This, of course, is not surprising. If you look at the campaign reports from Governor Brown’s campaign, as well as those for just about every legislative Democrat, you would have to look hard to find major contributions that are not from unions.

The two missing components:

1) Meaningful impact on the one number that matters — the unfunded pension liability. A study out of Stanford University pegs that number as north of $500 billion dollars. The word is that this “big reform” that will be announced by Brown may provide about $20 billion in savings. Needless to say this hardly moves the needle at all. And without seeing the details of the proposal, one can assume that this plan is very light on requiring current employees to pay more towards their retirement… Read More

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