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Katy Grimes

Steyer defends Prop. 39 to raise taxes on business

cross posted at CalWatchdog

Most of us would think that wealthy people would be more interested in sponsoring ballot initiatives to cut taxes, not to increase them. But of the three tax-increase ballot initiatives on the November ballot to significantly raise taxes, two were sponsored by very wealthy individuals, Proposition 38 by attorney Molly Munger and Proposition 39 by hedge-fund manager Tom Steyer.

The third is the Gov. Jerry Brown’s Proposition 30 tax increase.

Prop. 39 is getting noticed. But it’s is just another retread of the 2010 Proposition 24, which voters killed.

Prop. 39 would require businesses headquartered out of the state to use the “single sales factor method,” in which their tax liability is based solely on their amount of sales in the state.

They would no longer be allowed to use the other option, known as the “three-factor method,” which bases tax liability on a combination of the sales, property and number of employees a business has in the state. That option was a tax-cut part of the budget deal in 2009… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Report From Switzerland: CalChamber Goes Neutral On Props. 30, 32

Last Friday, I penned a column where I pointed out that the Board of Directors of the California Chamber of Commerce would be meeting at the posh Casa Del Mar beachfront hotel in Santa Monica, where among other things they would be considering whether to take a position on Proposition 30, Governor Jerry Brown’s measure to hit Californians with higher income and sales taxes in order to preserve the status-quo. The CalChamber officially took a neutral position on the measure. We spoke with a number of friends on the CalChamber Board who confirmed with us that a secret ballot was taken, and that the 60% threshold to oppose the tax increase was not achieved.

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Richard Rider


CA State Assemblyman Ben Hueso and other liberal state legislators want to impose a social security requirement on any California city that establishes a “defined contribution” (a 401k-type) plan for new hires. Such a mandate will greatly reduce the money available for the employees’ retirement fund. In the city of San Diego, that would mean that instead of having 9.2% of pay of nonsafety employees put aside in an earmarked account and fully matched by the city/taxpayer, only 3% would go into the worker’s retirement investment fund. Ask young new hires which option they would prefer, and you’d find that probably 90% would rather have the money in their account rather in some D.C. Ponzi scheme that’s doomed to fail. The REAL goal of Huesoet alis to make the 401k-type plan less attractive for cities to adopt, encouraging the perpetuation of the insane defined benefit plans that are bankrupting one California city after another. Worker welfare or preference is NOT a consideration — never has been.

But to my point: There is a TERRIFIC… Read More

Tony Manolatos

Fitting Tribute for a Giant of Journalism

San Diego Politics & Media Mashup

Cross-posted at San Diego Rostra

Logan Jenkins blew Neil Morgan a big fat kiss in today’s U-T San Diegoand I enjoyed every word. Jenkins, a longtime columnist at the paper, starts by telling us the venerable Morgan, at 88, isn’t doing well. He then goes on to write an inspirational and moving tribute (In postwar San Diego, Neil Morgan stood taller)fitting for one of San Diego’s finest journalists.

We don’t hear as much about Morgan, a giant in his day, as we used to in San Diego. When I arrived in 2005, for a job at the Union-Tribune,Morgan’s presence was evident even though he had been fired a year earlier. Like most reporters at the paper I occasionally spent time in Morgan’s old office which was called, “The Reading Room.” It was lined with newspapers, books, magazines and comfortable leather chairs. No… Read More

Tony Manolatos

San Diego Unified is Poway By The Sea

San Diego Politics & Media Mashup

Cross-posted at San Diego Rostra

I want to highlight a story in Thursday’s U-T San Diego: “Tax Group to Oppose San Diego School Bonds”It’s worthyour attention because it does a nice job of laying out a financial crisis similar to the one in Poway that has received national attention.

In short, the San Diego Unified School District is Poway By The Sea.

In Poway, a $105 voter-approved tax is going to cost $1 billion to pay back.In San Diego, Proposition S, which voters approved four years ago for $2.1 billion, is going to end up costing $10 to $14 billion with interest. That’s not a typo.

As the U-T story notes, “thedistrict has issued $530 million of the Proposition S bonds, which will… Read More

Katy Grimes

A tax in sheep’s clothing

cross posted at CalWatchdog

A standard of the Republican Party platform is “no new taxes and less regulation.” But last week, at the very end of the two-year legislative session, the Legislature was faced with a bill containing a $2.3 billion car tax increase–and it had Republican votes.

Senate Bill 1455 by Sen. Christine Kehoe, D-San Diego, would extend the extra fees on vehicle registrations, boat registrations, smog surcharges, and tire sales until 2023, in order to fund environmental state programs for production, distribution, and sale of alternative fuels, green vehicle technologies, and carbon emissions reduction plans.

Billed as an environmentally-friendly bill, SB 1455 was gutted-and-amended, the tax increase surprisingly materialized only last week, and the bill received only one policy hearing. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association warned, “the regulatory relief can be altered in the future by a majority vote, while this tax extension against vehicle owners will last another… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CalChamber At The Crossroads (Again): Can They Step Up And Oppose Prop. 30?

Apparently the Board of Directors of the California Chamber of Commerce is meeting tomorrow at the posh Casa Del Mar Resort located right on the beach in Santa Monica. It’s a stunning property, I attended a wedding there once. Marble floors, vaulted ceilings, magnificent artwork and stunning beachfront views make this one of the finest resorts in the Golden State. I hopped online, just to see what it would cost if one wanted to stay there for one night — tomorrow night — to find that a standard room (with a “partial ocean view”) was going for a paltry $650 a night — before all of the taxes and resort fees are applied. Of course I’m sure that the CalChamber has gotten a great deal, as the Chairman of the CalChamber’s Board of Directors, Timothy Dubois, is the CEO of the Edward Thomas Collection, which owns this luxury property (among others).

According to a several emails that I have received, like this one, there are taxpayer and tea party groups from all around Southern California looking to come and picket and… Read More

Ron Nehring

Villaraigosa Presides Over DNC Train Wreck

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa probably thought today would be another easy day in the limelight in Charlotte with lots of great national exposure wielding the gavel at the Democratic National Convention.

Yet, as this video shows, the Mayor is flummoxed when he’s forced to call for a vote three separate times on whether to amend the Democrats’ national platform to add recognition of Jerusalem and God back into the party’s platform.

One would think that adding back in language concerning Jerusalem, which has been in the platform almost continually since 1972, and a reference to God, which has always been in the party’s platform, would be a no-brainer for the Democrats. Yet, it’s clear that most of the delegates from the party of “tolerance” and “diversity” would have none of it.

Watch and listen to the video: do you think two-thirds of the delegates voted for the amendment?

Republicans successfully pounded the Democrats for days over the party’s decision to remove multiple pro-Israel planks from their platform, together with any… Read More

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