First CA “cap-and-trade” auction a dismal failure — and racist to boot!
RIDER COMMENT: California’s first AB32 “cap-and-trade” auction raised only a tiny fraction of the revenue Democrats projected that the auction would bring in for the state (see SAC BEE article below).
This story didn’t make any waves. It should have. The billions that CA Democrats hope to gain from cap-and-trade auctions are largely illusionary dollars.
This “disappointing” auction result is a classic demonstration of the law of supply and demand. Many businesses have little use for such CA “pollution” credits if they are leaving the state — or at least have no plans to further expand in the state.
On the supply side, doubtless a number of businesses will want to sell their existing CA pollution credits ASAP, as they will have zero use for such a pollution license if/when they leave the Golden State.
This market message concerning CA’s economic future should be setting off Sacramento alarm bells. It’s not.
Instead, Sacramento is already budgeting to spend the projected revenue on pet projects, even… Read More