Dangerously Ignorant Business Executives
Some 20 years ago, I got deeply involved in a political group. I recruited experienced political operatives and we started to build an operation that no one believed could be done. Then things started to go sideways because we were beholden to a national board made up of affluent contributors who knew little about grassroots organizing or political realities. These successful people assumed their business acumen would naturally transfer to the political area. They were mistaken.
That thinking has metastasized across our society. It is most readily evidenced by the computer geeks who ended up running the largest corporations in America. If it were not for them being worth billions of dollars and the fact that our press is largely composed of dysfunctional idiots, we would laugh these yutzes off the public stage. The worst of the lot is Bill Gates who started a foundation, reads ridiculously complicated books, and then comes to similar conclusions as does the world’s biggest human void, AOC. Gates may be smarter, but he has no more wisdom than that woman-child.
The most recent manifestation of this dangerously ignorant executive came in the state of Georgia. We… Read More