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Richard Rider

Finally! CA NOT in worst 4 states in fiscal study (pension obligations)! Yea! Uhhhhh, however…

Recently I’ve been reporting more studies that rank CA the 2nd, 3rd or 4th worst in various fiscal comparisons with other states. I imagine you are as sick of this dreary drumbeat as I am.

Good news! Finally I found a study where California isnotranked in the top four – as in worst four.

. . .

Ya know, it’s not fair — youse guys know what’s coming next, don’t ya. Bunch of smart asses.


To my point. A new wonky academic study has been released, comparing the per household state and local government pension obligations. It’s a grind to work through the 60+ pages of the study — even I didn’t read it all, or understand the actuarial math.

Let’s get to the bottom line. As you weisenheimerscleverly deduced, while CA is not in the worst four — wearenumber five.

And here’s the figure to consider — if we make no reforms, then the average CA household will ANNUALLY owe $2,122.40.… Read More

Katy Grimes

New small biz survey supposedly supports tax increases

A new survey of 500 small businesses claims that a majority of small business owners want high income earners to be taxed more. This is difficult to believe, and amazing timing with the election less than two weeks away.

I participated in an early morning conference call on Thursday with Small Business Majority. They just published the survey titled, “Scientific Opinion Poll Finds Majority of Small Businesses Support Letting Tax Cuts for High Income Earners Expire.”

But during the conference call, when I heard the CEO claim that the majority of entrepreneurs “see a productive role for government in helping small businesses achieve success,” I nearly flipped.

John Arensmeyer, the founder and CEO of Small Business Majority, also claimed nearly six in 10 small business owners “agree that government can play an effective role in helping small businesses thrive.”

The Small Business Majority is a liberal Democratic group based in San Francisco. They… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Asm. Kristin Olsen Rejects The Pledge She Broke, The Pledge That Helped Her Into Office

Yesterday, in a column published in the Sacramento Bee, Republican Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen announced, two weeks before the general election, that she was no longer willing to stand by the written pledge that she made in her first election to the Assembly, to the constituents of her district, “to oppose and vote against any and all efforts to raise taxes.” She specifically said that she would not renew her pledge as she seeks re-election to her newly drawn district.

In her missive, Assemblywoman Olsen panned the pledge she made to her constituents, saying that, “entrenched special interests interpret what is or is not a violation of the pledge to serve their own agendas — and sometimes their interpretations defy logic.”

Not mentioned in her column is who exactly are these self-serving “entrenched special interests” — with interpretations that, “defy logic.”

No doubt Assemblywoman Olsen’s decision to pen her editorial comes as a product of her own decision, in the final hours of this… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

New Study Shows Californians Overtaxed

By every measure Californians are overtaxed. The latest proof comes from a Tax Foundation report showing that the average Californian’s tax burden worsened in 2010.

At a time when Californians could least afford it, our state and local tax burden was among the highest in the nation.

The Tax Foundation’s Annual State-Local Tax Burden Ranking estimates the average total tax burden for residents of each state. This method takes the point of view of the individual taxpayer, counting all taxes he or she pays, no matter to which state they are paid.

According to the report, Californians paid 11.2% of their income in state and local taxes in 2010—the fourth highest tax burden of any state. Only residents of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut paid more.

In 2010 the average California resident earned $43,919 but paid $4,934 in state and local taxes—$3,953 to state and local government in California and $981 to governments in other states.

Next year’s report may show some progress given the July 1, 2011 expiration… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*VIDEO* – FR’s Jon Fleischman vs. Kerman Maddox on KCAL9 – Post Debate Analysis

Earlier tonight I went head-to-head with prominent Los Angeles Obama supporter Kerman Maddox on KCAL-9 Television — it was our final jousting session. This is a good opportunity for me to thank KCAL political reporter Dave Bryan for having me on after each of the debates — it was a lot of fun. The entire dust-up is below, in four segments…

Segment 1 below:


Congressman John Campbell

A World of Debt

A World of Debt: It is no surprise to readers of these pages that we have a debt, spending, deficit and growth problem in the United States today. What you may not know, however, is that the rest of the developed world is suffering from the same malaise, albeit to different degrees. And, the causes of said malaise are the same the world over, again with variations only in degree. But, what is really disturbing is that governments around the world seem to be implementing exactly the same “solution” for the debt, spending, deficit and growth problems that abound everywhere. It’s disturbing because this “solution” will not work – at least it won’t work without potentially severe side effects that may make the medicine as bad or even worse than the disease.

Allow me to explain.

The U.S., Japan, the U.K. and continental Europe are all currently either in recession or experiencing very slow growth. All have massive, if not record, budget deficits, and all have record debt to GDP ratios. That means that the debt issued by the respective governments is a greater share of their economies than ever before. In fact,… Read More

Richard Rider

If one side is “anti-tax” — is not the other side “pro-tax”?

The commonly-heard term “anti-tax group” is interesting. If you oppose tax INCREASES, then you are labeled by the press as “anti-tax.”

Really? I doubt that almost any of the opponents of tax increases want to do away with taxes, but that’s the inference.

Okay, fair is fair. What should we call the groups that always want to RAISE our taxes? “Pro-tax groups”? You’d think so.

Do these pro-tax groups want ALL our money going into taxes? I doubt few if any do.

Yet it makes as much sense to conclude that tax increase proponents want 100% taxes as it makes to accuse those opposing tax increases as wanting 0% taxes. Funny, come to think of it, I don’t recall EVER hearing of a liberal media outlet referring to tax increase advocates as “pro-tax.” But if one side is “anti-tax,” SURELY the other side is “pro-tax.”

Apparently not.… Read More

Richard Rider

Relative to other states, California unemployment is just as dismal today as it was in the depths of our nation’s recesson

There are four factors suggested for our nation’s relatively improving unemployment figures.

More private sector hiring. More of the “unemployed” dropping out of the labor market — they no longer count as unemployed. More companies making full-time jobs into part-time jobs — to reduce the costs of ObamaCare and other benefit expenses. It spreads the work around — and gives the illusion of improving unemployment. A federal effort to cook the books before the election by encouraging false responses to the monthly unemployment sample questionnaires.

I don’t think the last one is significant or even true. I’m not a believer in big conspiracies — someone always tattles. I guess we’ll find out after the election — as cooked books on this scale cannot be maintained. If it IS a conspiracy by Obamabureaucrats, we will see animpressive“unexpected adjustment” upward in unemployment rates in December or January.

As for the other factors, I would rank “2” and “3” ahead of “1” in importance, but it’s… Read More

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