Why the California Republican Party Needs Jim Brulte as Its Chair
I don’t know why Jim Brulte wants to be the California Republican Party Chair. It is a thankless job, and every voting member of the party thinks he or she is the smartest politician in the room. In my time in the Legislature, I spent a lot of time doing what I could for the party, because I believe that those involved in the party at that level get involved because of what they believe in, and they should be honored for their time and commitment. I engaged in a lot of internal political fights to advance the principles I believed in. I never cared about the “who” was in charge, I only cared about the “what” the principles of the party, and how they would be advanced by the party structure. I never asked for (and quite frankly never got) anything in return, but I can say that the things I did for the party did not help me politically, and many times actually hurt my political future. I don’t regret any of it, because I didn’t get involved in politics to “build” my future. I got involved because I truly believe that conservative values are what is right for the people of the state, and those values are only promoted… Read More