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Congressman John Campbell

President Obama’s Second Inaugural Address

This native Californian was all bundled up to keep warm on a chilly Washington morning on Monday to witness the 57th United States Presidential Inaugural and hear President Obama’s second inaugural address.

To be honest, I was inspired by the address….. ….but, not in the way the president might have wanted.

I’m a big football fan. There’s nothing to bring you to your feet quite like the big touchdown pass. And, that is usually what brings accolades in the annals of football lore. But, just as important, and many times more important, is that tenacious defense. When you don’t have the ball, you count on those 11 defensemen to keep you in the game. Oh sure, they can sometimes get a “pick-6” and score a touchdown. But usually, they just hold the line and keep bad things from happening. The undefeated 1972 Miami Dolphins were led by what was dubbed the “no name defense”. They held the line and they were a big part of the only undefeated season in NFL history. As Republicans, we don’t have the ball right now. We may control the House, but we are the minority party in Washington since everything… Read More

Katy Grimes

Regulation is the enemy of freedom

The U.S. Constitution provides for certain government regulations, but actually stresses minimum involvement. Regulations are merely a way for the government to implement social change and impart control.

But government intervention usually causes more harm than the problem the regulation sought to correct; most government regulations don’t work.

During a dinner party discussion with friends this weekend, the subject of gun control came up. “No one needs an assault rifle,” one friend said. “No one should be allowed to have one. I mean, who… Read More

Ron Nehring

Aggressively Liberal: Meet the New Barack Obama

Throughout the 2012 campaign, Republicans warned that should President Obama win a second term, he would be far more liberal and assertive than his carefully crafted image would suggest.

We have been proven right.

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Congressman John Campbell

Moral Imperative

I speak often in these pages about things fiscal, financial and economic. Given that I am a CPA and sit on three committees in Congress that deal with money (Budget, Financial Services and Joint Economic), this is to be expected. But, I am not all about money. And, the nation’s problems are not all about money. As big a problem as our debts and deficits are, they are emblematic of deeper and actually more significant moral and cultural issues.

For some time now, we have heard of those who Tom Brokaw dubbed “the greatest generation”, those who sacrificed through a world war to vanquish fascism and imperialism and leave a stronger America for their children. We can go back further to speak of the generation that took the risks to establish this country in the late 18th century or of the generation that fought the Civil War. In each case, said generation sacrificed in order to leave a better and more prosperous country of opportunity for their children.

But, what are we doing now? What will be the legacy of my generation? Our debt and deficit crisis is largely caused by giving ourselves health care and retirement benefits without paying for them.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The FlashReport “Idiot Of The Week” Award

Welcome to our second weekly “Idiot of the Week” feature here on the FlashReport. This is our chance to feature a public figure in California who does or advocates something that is particularly lame or stupid. As with last week, there were several “finalists” for the dubious honors. So before we announce this week’s award winning idiot, we are first going to run through the runners-up!

Runner Up #1 The Del Mar Fair Board — Apparently no one has informed the Gubernatorial appointees that make up this board that times have changed, and that there is little tolerance from taxpayers for making “gifts” of VIP tickets for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Nielsen – Times They Have A Changed…

Freshman Congressman (and FlashReport blogger) Doug LaMalfa recently posted up on his Facebook page the video of State Senator Jim Nielsen taking his oath of office last week. I have embedded that video below — it runs shy of six minutes if you want to watch the entire clip. Senator Nielsen was afforded the courtesy, after being sworn in, to say a few words. Nielsen chose to take the opportunity to praise the institution of the State Senate, and spent his time talking about what he calls Senatorial courtesy. Nielsen defines this as, ”…how we treat each other and how we respect the institution in which we serve.”

Senator Nielsen, I’m afraid, will find that the courtesy about which he speaks has diminished since his previous service in the Senate (Nielsen served three terms in the Senate from 1978 – 1990). Senator Nielsen will find that no longer are handshakes binding — it is now commonplace for legislative deals made in one session to be unwound unilaterally in the very next session — by the very same people who made the deal in the first place. But then again, Nielsen knows this all too well. Here’s a… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles County Attempts “Bribery” of Schools to Pass Sewer Tax

Los Angeles County property owners are beginning to rise up against a proposed “Clean Water, Clean Beaches” tax that every property owner would pay annually. The Los Angeles County Flood Control District proposes the money go to all kinds of projects AND gives a portion to cash strapped cities on an ongoing basis unless terminated by the Board of Supervisors. There is a hearing todayto decide if a ballot should be mailed to property owners.

Opposition to the tax has come from an unlikely source.

School Districts.

And not just school districts like West Covina Unified School District where I am an elected member. WCUSD approved letters of opposition on December 11, but Long Beach and Los Angeles Unified School district and others have joined the protest. The Los Angeles County Board of Education voted to oppose. County Agency vs. County Agency.

The proposed tax would cost schools money. While the idea of tax money going to schools to pay taxes to the county is a completely different discussion, school districts control a lot of property and as such wield a lot of voting power.

The County did find a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Brulte Kicks Off CRP Bid At San Diego GOP Meeting

Last night I was pleased to be on hand as, in front of an enthusiastic crowd of over 300 GOP leaders and activists at the monthly meeting of the San Diego County Republican Party Central Committee, former State Senator Jim Brulte officially kicked off his campaign for Chairman of the California Republican Party. Popular San Diego County Party Chairman Tony Krvaric presided over the crowded house.

Senator Brulte started off his remarks by comparing the California Republican Party to the San Diego Chargers, saying that the Chargers had a terrible season but would come back, and so would the California GOP. Brulte told the crowd that he got his start in politics as an elected member of his central committee in San Bernardino County. Brulte talked about how it was not only bad for the GOP, but for the State of California to have one political party be so dominant. He asked the committee what kind of craziness it was that in the context of Sacramento’s Capitol Jerry Brown was being considered the moderate.

Senator Brulte laid out his plans which include the need for the CRP to establish its own statewide fundraising network, so that the party would not… Read More

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