Standing For Liberty, Part III, All Tax Cuts, All the Time
The purpose of the political process is to persuade people to entrust those who seek it with power. The first step in that persuasive process is developing a level of trust between the voter and those who seek political power. Most Americans, including most Californians, want to be left alone to pursue their own dreams, without government interference. They want to work hard, and keep what they earn, whether they own their own business, or work for someone else. If Republicans stand for liberty, they stand for reducing taxes, on everyone, all the time.
And they stand for reducing taxes, regardless, even if it reduces government revenue. If Republicans have a sin, it is the sin of advocating tax cuts because they “increase government revenue.” They do, that is proven by history time after time, but that is not the reason for tax cuts. Tax cuts are virtuous because allowing someone to pursue their own dreams, by allowing them to keep what they earn, is the key to a free society, it is the keystone of liberty.
In addition, I have never bought into the concept that reducing taxes on “corporations” is corporate welfare. Giving… Read More