Big city chambers of commerce often are the enemies of taxpayers — and business
In the article below, my friend Joel Fox expresses disappointment (but NOT surprise) that the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce has voted to support yetanothersales tax increase – in exchange for establishing a toothless commission to make government work better (and we all know how that’s gonna work out). Joel and I would have been surprised only if they had OPPOSED such a tax increase.
We should always remember that the major city Chamber of Commerce outfits are NOT controlled by businesses – nor are they run for the benefit of businesses involved in commerce. Nonprofit officials, government bureaucrats and even labor union reps sit on the boards — not to mention attorneys, lobbyists, government contractors and heavy construction firms.
And few on such boards work/own enterprises that collect sales tax. I once asked the San Diego C of C directors (about 40)“How many of your businesses/employers collect income taxes on a significant portion of your revenue?”
Six hands went up. There was actually a… Read More