How to Get a Pension in 7 Easy Years
[Publisher’s Note: We are pleased to offer this column from longtime FR friend Clay Russell. A Los Angeles based writer, Russell served as Special Assistant to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger from 2003-2010 – Flash]
“Pension reform” and “unfunded liability” are hardly phrases that turn up in most people’s dinner-table conversations. On the contrary – these are topics that, if examined closely, would more likely ruin a person’s appetite.
I was a political appointee in the Schwarzenegger administration for almost seven years. When I left that job I had a state pension coming to me…for life. Based on rough estimates, I would receive, starting as early as age 55, something in the neighborhood of $800-1000 per month, even more if I waited a few years to start collecting. This isn’t enough to live on but it’s significant when you consider that it’s for life.
It’s perfectly possible for an individual to buy an annuity that will pay a guaranteed amount after a certain age. A financial planner did some quick math recently and told me, based on my age and a target monthly… Read More